

The Window Seat - 1
This Story is about a journey of a small girl in a prominent vehicle, Bus.
Once there was a Brave girl named Aanya. She was always excited for any ride but for her the bus ride was abnormal. She never had travelled from a bus. She was little bit worrying.
"Aanya! Come here, Take your bag." called her mother.
She was going to the Bus stand. She saw the place embellished. The Noise of Chattering people and hawkers calling the names. There was a huge loudspeaker which continuously announces the departure and arrival timings of Buses. The crowd seemingly suffocating Aanya.
"Mom! It's terrible, the sun and this crowd. " Said Aanya.
"Ok! I will find a good place to sit here until drink the water it will vital you." Said, her mother.
All the Benches were filled. There was no place for them. Her mother pleased a man to give a place for her daughter. The man was really pity, he gave his seat.
It was hard time for them until the bus arrived.
After some minutes the bus arrives. The moment of climbing the steps of the bus was tricky for them. They have to find a way through a narrow gaps of the crowd to enter in bus.
"Mom, I'm tired more than playing. " said Aanya.
Luckily they also find a place good place to sit.
"Mom, I will sit near the window seat."said Aanya.
"Ok! You can sit there."said Mother.
After a relief,
"Hoosh..Mom, Now I am feeling comfortable. " said Aanya.
"You can see lot of things out through the window. When I was young like you, I also used to explore lot of things outside. " said her mother.
Her mother tells Aanya about her experience. The bus departs, there was a huge world outside the window. People were rushing to their work. After sometime when they were going away from the city, Aanya found the large acres of land spreading. Different crops were cultivated in it. There was beautiful land outside.

Her journey will continue......
