

Epistolary Endeavors (I & The King)
Aroused by a sharp loud knocking at the large door to the castles study room the yong man whom had been seated in a cole black leather chair behind a large oak desk fully emersed in what ever was written on some sort of parchment, a letter or a note of sorts perhaps... it's unclear for the young man whom has now eisen to his feet and standing at a hight of 6' 2" tall not including the royal crown he adorned upon his head...didn't I mention he is in fact the King...oh yes this is the land in which all call Balmin and he is King Vischal... this is a story of love....allow me if you will to invite you on a journey through love and life...oh dear I almost forgot I'm Heril the king's humble servant....

"Heril is that you beatung at the door.?" King Vischal asked. " So it this Sire , have I disturbed thee" said Heril. " No of course not do come in my good fellow close the door behind you if you will" King Vischal said turning and returning to his seat. " What is it that I can do for you Heril?" " Your Highness I have been handed a correspondence identified as only being for your eyes and yours alone." Heril said. Looking perplexed by this as I was the King swiftly snatched the envelope from Herils grip and tore it open after about 15 seconds the King snapped his fingers never looking up from the paper he signaled for Heril to excuse himself...

My Lord ,
I am aware that you know not who I am or from where I come but I assure you that this is a letter of which contains no threats to you or your kingdom. I am Azurae a woman of 19 years and a traveler an explorer if you will and I am searching for my brother my father's only son...He was said to have been there in your Balmin... I can not describe how important it is to find him and return him to our home in Forlog. it would be very much ablidged if you'd send your servants in search of my sibling. He answers to the name Laurce , not big nor small and very quite the trouble maker when he has had too much ale I'm afraid..,Please Sire consider it and that's more than enough... please feel free to write back with any questions or concerns about it and I will do my best to assist you with all things considered I'm am not able to join on the search for him except through pen and paper for my vessel is being repaired. I've already torn through the deadly waters of 3 different seas and coming to have my brother returned...

yours truly AZURAE

© NiKishaDWarwick