

~•(Things I am missing on Writco)•~

•~ Collab options
✓As they were important for meme makers and meme templaters

•~ Free testimonial section
✓ To appreciate our favourite writers. Wishing them on birthdays and all.

•~ Pages
✓ They give initials daily to complete on, competition topics to improve our thinking capacity and games. Where all the writers can come together ❤️

•~ Reply interface
✓ Here replies get messed up, as they are not in a serial way. They are spreaded up. Causing confusion.

•~ My followers 😂😂😂🤣
✓ Cause obviously, now I have to gather readers back here.

•~ Highlight options
✓ To appreciate the writings, highlight was the best option for mass gathering.
And increasing mutual followship.

•~ All the aesthetic wallpapers
✓ Which I think it will improve with the time 😁

•~ Network capacity
✓ I think it consumes a bit more internet, to refresh the notifications and feedbacks.

© nitisparkle_