

Chapter 1- The Future :
"A brief history of the dawn
of Cybernetics and its effects on The post pandemic economic boom of the world's robotic industry"

Omnicon was the future of cybernetic engineering in the early 2000's. CEO Oswald Plant had seen his company grow from a computer chip mfg. business to a successful cybernetic giant in just 13 years... making the technology, the link between the human brain, and the key missing part that evaded many a genius mind, the "C.A.B.L", an A.I. system that controlled advanced cybernetic servos and gears to make Omnicons biggest seller work... the cybernetic prosthetic body part. C.A.B.L stood for Cerebral and Bionic Link. You see unlike the past where you lost a body part in an accident or by mutilation, you were screwed. You had to learn to live crippled. But with Oswald Plant and his genius team of scientist, this past no longer existed. He alone was mankind's saviour.

Chapter 2-The Past pt. 1
The Brotherhood of the

Floyd Finkle was an older fit man of 38 years of age. He proudly wore his uniform every morning to work for over 16 years, and he had the honor of being Omnicon's most senior employee, there since day one. He helped an old Army Ranger buddy start his business from the ground up. He and Oswald were in special forces together during the Solarian Wars where a pandemic like no other brought the world to a crawl and destroyed economic growth all over the world. There was hunger and famine. Militias popping up faster than a leader could be found to run them. Violence exploded from internal tension between hot headed power hungry general's. Oswald and Floyd were who you would call to take out the garbage, the human piles of shit no one misses.
After years of fighting side by side Oswald retired top honors from the Ranger Company. Shortly after Floyd followed suit. Now that the Solarian war was a thing of the past what was an ex-commando to do? How can a fighting machine find peace after so much ugliness? Oswald Plant had a vision, a vision that would erase or at least take the edge off his PTSD. A vision of health and wellness. A vision of making veterans and people born without limbs able to function like individuals with no handicap.
About two weeks into his retirement, Floyd gets an unannounced visit from no other than Oswald Plant himself. He asked how civilian life was treating Floyd. "Ok, I guess. I've been shooting pigeons off the balcony for a couple of hours." Floyd had a little tremor in his hand, voice and legs. Oswald didn't pay people visits just to shoot the shit, he was here on business. What kind?, who's to say. But Floyd was all ears.

Chapter 3- The Past pt.2
The Proposal

"It has been a long time since both of us have been in any kind of civilian job, but I started this company after the Solarian war and with a little luck it turned into a multi-million business providing State of the art prosthetic body parts that are so real, there's nothing a body mod can't do that a real human body part can do, and it does it 10 X's better. The science lies in the chip inserted into the mother board in the brain. The signals get translated smoothly to electrical impulses that trigger more natural muscle stimulation than just sending a current into the body where it flops around uncontrollably.
You see Floyd, "I am a very important person and a patriot and I want an old buddy by my side, through thick and thin like the movie Lethal Weapon. A classic movie of the easy times called the 80's. Oswald was a big classic film buff. I need someone who is willing to take a bullet for me because it's their job, it's what they are hired to do. I need a head of security. I need you, your expertise. I got security but they are not special forces trained. Some have police and Swat training, but not your skillset.
So, what do you think about my offer. Floyd threw the idea around in his brain a bit before answering. "Still with Millie,?"asked Oswald sounding like a hopeful runner up for her attention.
Tell her Oswald said hi.
Think about it. Call me with your answer tomorrow. Enjoy your day. The Year was 2025. Floyd was 38years old.

Chapter 4-The Present

Current Year- 2065
City-Cloud City(formerly San Francisco) Silicon Republic
Population- 767,000-post pandemic
In the years following the pandemic, there was an economic growth unlike anything that this world had ever seen. Technology was a booming business again. Oswald's small business turned into the biggest cybernetic manufacturer in the Americas. Floyd was still an employee after all the time that had passed. He never missed a day in 40 years. He was top security advisor now. It was his 41st anniversary working for Omnicon. Oswald knew Floyd hated any get together or event, especially if it was about him. He showed up for shits and giggles and some cake too. Mildred his wife was dancing with Oswald Plant on the ballroom floor. The time seemed to swirl by like the dress Millie wore. After a few drinks, a couple of dances and catered food it was time to go home. Floyd got into the drivers side of the car and reached over and unlocked the door. "I remember when you would open the door for me to get in first, what happened to the knight I married? asked Millie sadly.
Millie just get in! Okay!
Floyd sped off in his Lotus.
He was cruising at around 116 mph when a huge black dog ran into the roadway that Floyd was speeding on.
It happened so fast, first Floyd hit the brakes, then tried to steer the car to safety, but he was going too fast to regain control of the car and plummeted off the side of the Pacific Coast Highway.

Chapter 5-Awake
"A new you!"

Floyd woke up in the hospital 4 months later. He was confused about what he was doing in the hospital. He awoke with amnesia, a few broken bones, a tube down his throat for him to be able to breathe and sleep and two new cybernetic arms and legs attached where his real appendages used to be. After the breathing tubes were extracted, Floyd found himself asking where is Millie? Is she ok?
"Calm down Mr . Finkle,"I am nurse Nina", "I am here to answer your questions and I'll try and get Mr. Plant to come on down, so we could discuss the details about your wife's condition.... after the accident." " Unlike you Mr. Finkle, Mildred sustained multiple critical injuries from a faulty seat belt and a bad airbag."
"They did all they could to save as much of her that was still usuable, but she unfortunately is now over 84 percent cyborg . She still eats and sleeps (actually re -charges overnight)." You're going to have plenty of time to get used to her again ."
"Well can I see her?" Floyd asked , his voice shaking.
"Yes of course, but be warned, she is different and the same as the Millie you knew long ago and rember before the accident."
"She look so young!"exclaimed Floyd. "Like when we first met!"
Millie walked slowly to Floyd's side. She grabbed for his hand but he pulled away, out of instinct not fear .
"I may look younger, but I am the same Millie, my memories are intact. So are my feelings,"Millie said softly.
"Well it's goin to take getting used to.!!",said Floyd.

Chapter 6-The Compound
6 months later.....
Floyd and Millie stayed at a government base used for top secret training drills, and Spec Ops headquarters. Through rigorous training and physical therapy they both have gotten stronger . Floyd too had been subjected to cybernetic surgery to save his arms and left and right legs, also his eyes were now robotic. "Fuck Lasix, this shit is off the hook." exclaimed Floyd. " I can now run a full 19 miles without a rest, have the strength of 10 elephants, vision like a hawk!"
Millie seemed so real so perfect. It was eerie. Too perfect like a giant blow up Barbie doll . And she was strong . She could carry Over 1500 lbs.
Floyd wanted the old Millie back.
Even if she was showing her age before the accident, she was beautiful. But this thing, this plastic fuck toy, seemed too perfect. The shell or exo-skin of Millie was actual living skin, culled from her own DNA. It was soft, warm, unwrinkled like the girl who he fell in love with those many years ago, on the beaches of Thailand.
Floyd wanted the old Millie back, and he was going to prove that Millie was a full blown robot, programmed with fake emotional responses, and not a cyborg who could have feelings and was still considered human. It was against federal regulations to have full robotic mechanisms, especially with advanced Artificial Intelligence.
Floyd had a feeling that Millie was just a cold robotic being, always learning to be more human than human.
And Floyd was not going to let Omnicon go unpunished for the lies of Millie being the first human to undergo cybernetic surgery and survive. Her body alone and Floyd's alone were the only subjects to accept the replacement cybernetic parts and were able to function better than when they had their real human parts.
He had plans to bring them down and expose the lie that his Millie was nothing but a cold logical thinking machine. Nothing else.

Chapter 7-A Case of Dread

Millie being the woman that she is was not the kind of woman who would take abuse, verbally or physically at all. Floyd now in bad spirits kept calling his wife "RoboBitch", an appliance....not his wife anymore, etc...etc..
She had enough and ran to the only place she knew to go, to Oswald Plant, her saviour. Without him, she would have died. She knew him for a long time, as long as Floyd did. She was the nurse who took care of the boys when on leave between missions. They would always show up bloody, stinky, unshaven, in need of medical attention and often requested baths from the young nurse and her colleagues.
Oswald was a ladies man, pulling girls all night, where Floyd was quite, shy, but funny and witty when he would talk. She fell in love with Floyd. But not anymore.
He was bitter, angry, delusional, hateful.
Oswald was never married. Just another swinger on the jetset. But he had a special place in his heart for Millie He took her in and they were married to each other after a year and a nasty divorce with Floyd.
One night Floyd was drunk and looked into the mirror at himself and seen someone else looking back in the reflection. A young kid, 28 or so, all drugged up and blankly staring straight at Floyd. Surley it was a hallucination, but strangely the image reminded him of someone who he knew in this or another life. It shook him up. He had a few more shots of Bacardi 151... 8 to be exact, then went up to his room and grabbed his trusty knife he used in the war, his classic Spyderco Ronin. He made his way downstairs and to the garage where he got in his Lotus and sped off to Oswald Plant's residence to confront his old ranger buddy for ruining his life and marriage .

Chapter 8-First Strike

Floyd parked down hill from Plant's Lovely 3 story house. He wore covert black ops clothing. He was a shadow. He crept along the perimeter of Oswald's compound. He found an entrance through a storm drain not sealed off with a grate. He was inside.
He made his way stealthy around in the shadows. He dispatched 2 Doberman Guard dogs with his blade and then shortly after, he then silently killed the two patrol officers who made their rounds and found the dogs. Before they could call it in they were both gurgling blood from their mouths, blood leaking from their jugular veins. He made his way to the front entrance . Two sentinels were stationed there. He reached into his pack and pulled out a mini crossbow. He took out the two sentinels without any noise. One sentinel the dart went into his eye, the other sentinel, He suffered a dart to the chest. Floyd ran into the house sticking close to the walls for protection and camouflage. He made it to the main stairwell, elegantly carved from some exotic wood from some endangerd rainforest. He approached the main office room which led to Oswald's room where Oswald and Millie would retire at night.
Sitting there at Oswald's desk was not Oswald or his Secretary, but an older Asian man, short in stature but solid like a rock with a long white beard and Armani suite .
"You must be Floyd, the man said in a Japanese accent. I am Takeshi Watanabe. 7th Generation Ronin for hire. I am the Best at what I do, And that is to protect my masters life, and that is what I plan on doing! If I fail I at least will die and honorable death against an accomplished martial artist like yourself.!"
"Less talk, more walk China man!"expressed Floyd unimpressed by the lone Samurais long winded speech.
"I am Japanese!! Gaijin!!
Takeshi pulls out his Tanto fighting knife. Floyd deploys his Ronin and his belt wrapped around his hand and arm.
A strategic fight insues, slice, miss, stab, miss, slice, block slice, blood drips from Takeshi's arm .Then a slice a dodge a little too slow and Floyd is now bleeding from above his eyebrow. Floyd attacks again, Takeshi parries the knife but Floyd redirected the blade and stabs Takeshi right in the jugular vein where he continued to saw back and forth til Takeshi's head was almost decapitated.
Floyd wiped the blood of his brow and knife grip and continued to Oswald's chambers. Floyd then kicks down the door just to be greeted by Millie, crying and pleading for him to stop and leave." Sober up please!!" But Floyd is too drunk with booze and rage and he takes his knife and evicerates Millie in front of Oswald. There's a loud painful scream, and then just a whimper of a cry. Oswald drops his Lovelace subhilt knife, not even given a chance to use it, and runs to Millie's side. In his delusional rage Floyd looks down at the viscera on the ground. "You see, I told you she was a robot, a skin job!, not a cybernetic human, "She has hoses and wires where her guts should have been and oil instead of blood. How can I love a machine when you took my baby away from me?"
"Look what you've done Floyd!!!You drunk jealous delusional man. Those are her guts and blood!! Snap outta it Goddamn it!!" yelled Oswald.
By this time the Cloud City P.D. enters the chambers because of a call from a neighbor who said they heard a squabble going on at Oswald's usually quite residence.
"Freeze!! This is the police!! Drop the weapon, drop the knife now Mr. Finkle."
" I am confused, what am I doing here, why am I bloody?asked Floyd completely discombobulated. "Drop the knife!!!"yelled the police through a bullhorn!,
"Ok boys, light him up!!!"came the order from the Swat Captain.
Floyd is battered with a barrage of non- lethal rubber bullets. They work and the police have a psychiatrist B52 him so he would be more complacent.

Chapter 9- Ward 13

Floyd woke up in a padded cell. He was groggy from the drugs. After about two hours of sitting there a person comes in identifying themself as Dr. Shirley. He addresses Floyd by the name of Henry and offers him a cigarette and some coffee.
"Who's Henry, ?"asks Floyd confused.
"You are...... you are Henry Thompson. Age 36... In and out of behavioral institution's since you were 7. Highly delusional, addicted to any drug you can score on the street or behind bars, doesn't matter if it kills you, you want to die anyways after what you did to your parents!"
"What?? My parents died in 2035 !!" of old age.
"Henry!! It's only 1996 you have been in a coma for two months... after drinking draino while pulling kitchen duty at the psych hospital. You killed the kitchen helper Karen and her son Joeseph who was a little slow in the head, but helped his mom in the kitchen by doing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. Then you proceeded to drink a gallon of draino to commit suicide. We found in your system some crazy ass amphetamine that causes you to think your an animal.You messed up big time son!" You were up for parole to a halfway house before the incident in the kitchen happened. And your mom and dad, killed by your own hands. Instead you are to be hung by the neck til you are pronounced dead. That is unless you want to sign up for a new program that uses robotic science for rehab of prisoners.
Kinda like that crazy ass story you told us about being Floyd so and so, and how you killed a Mr. Takeshi who was trying to kill you, but you were better than him due to your robotic upgrades! What a science fiction tale that was. So believable, so detailed.... So Lucid of a dream, a drug endused coma dream, where you made your own reality in your mind to compensate for the time lost living in the real world! There are no cyborg body parts yet in this time period to but you out of here, as I said before, you have either death or a second chance at life, love, your youth while you still have it. All you need is to sign this legal paper from Omnicon and you will receive a new micro sized computer chip inserted into your cerebral cortex and Bada Bing! You won't hurt a puppy. You will fall in love, have kids etc... Become an outstanding citizen. Meet a woman you don't butcher.
What do yo say Henry????Asked Dr. Shirley? Is this something that would interest you?"
I'm not crazy, I am not delusional!!! My name is Floyd Finkle, Airborne Ranger, United States Army.


Behind a two way mirror, two scientist watch in satisfaction. He is the perfect candidate for behavioral modification by microchip.
He is violent, kills without remorse, and will make the perfect sleeper assassin.
We got his brain so scrambled, he doesn't remember that he was an Airborne Ranger during the gulf war, but due to his PTSD and homicidal tendencies, he's been locked here in our lab for consideration to be the next super soldier, controllable by satellite anywhere, anytime we need him.
The perfect mind fuck, the perfect killing machine.....

© doomriver holdings