

A Letter From Me To You
"Maybe right now, you don't know what to do but you got this because I know you're strong."
                                 ~ Zoë Rebecca

Maybe right, at this moment, you don't know how to describe your life right now, I know that it's hard also but you are doing good, you woke up again and you must thank God for it, you begin to smile again, you begin to see the beauty of life again, and here you are once more surviving another day, and you must be proud of yourself, I know also that you are healing from the things that you don't talk about, I know also that you have trust issues.

I know also that you have experiences that are bad and that you can't talk about, but you've made it this far and you are becoming the best version of yourself every day, I know that this phase of your life is hard but you are doing it one step at a time, I know you're still creating the version of yourself that has been crushed by someone, your past still taunting you, and I know for a fact that making it this far is hard for you but you made it and I'm so proud of you.

Everything happens for a reason they say, you would not be what you are right now if it had not happened, you are stronger now, you are bolder right now, and you are doing great things right now, you are still healing from your past and that's okay, it's okay not to be okay, that you are still working things out, cry, be mad for you to heal, I know that life is giving you a hard time but don't get it because that is a sin, mortal sin, I know that becoming happy is hard for you at this moment but it'll come soon I know.

I believe in you that you can do this, you managed to do it before and I know that you can still do it right now, I know also that you're still crying but that's okay just let it all out, I know that the scars still hurt, you are learning to love yourself again, you will not heal overnight it takes time, sometimes it takes years but I understand, you will become someday what you wanted for so long, I know that you are still hurting but that's life and life must go on.

Photo credits: Michael

© Dauntless Angel 🦋