

Septogon Love | ep3 | Hemleys |à
It was getting cold outside, you guys managed to sneak out through the window, because your room was in the ground floor, temporarily.. until youd move to bigger room next week,
"It's getting cold…, how far is Hemleys?" You ask as you shudder and follow Jungkook through the metal paved road
"Its in here… like IN here, and if youre getting cold.. you could use my jacket.." he says.You feel like both of you're in a romantic movie, before you could obstrain, jungkook wraps you up in his black Chanel. You just shrug and follow him.

"Jungkook! You don't know how much trouble we're getting into" You say again as you spot Hemley's in the nook of your eyes
"Its okay.. Yoona." He says assuring as he holds your hand, you can't help but blush
"Oops, how dumb of me.. I'd forgotten to take the sample key" Jungkook remarks as he slams his hand to his forehead.
"What now?" You ask, taking of the jacket and giving it back to him.You just try to look at the restaurant one last time,
"We'll go back I guess..." Jungkook says with a small frown, but on the way back he holds your hands and both of you walk back

You're back in the hallway, and you're walking towards your rooms
"Guess this was my first date" JK says, and you look surprised
"Good night" you say, ignoring his remark, but jungkook gives you a huge hug, before darting off and up the stairs

The next morning you wake up.. with a smile on your face, last nights occurrence was so so so.. shocking, a person you didn't even dream of dating, hugged YOU and asked YOU out to sneak out at midnight, he lend YOU his expensive jacket and holds YOUR hands, what is gonna happen in the second day surprises me as much as will you.

© this is a pure work of fiction