

Shyed away
She shyed away from his tough, eventhough its what she wanted the most. His eyes sparkled with that same spark that had her attention. His dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Pale skin with a small beard. She wanted nothing more that to be with him. He held her up in so many ways that other people hadn't yet he's sometimes failed to see that.
Her face turned away. She knew she was wrong to feel this way sometimes but her heart called out for him, for his. His voice sent shock waves through her body as he said her name yet she still couldn't look at him. She didn't want to hold back at all. She wanted him. All of him. All to herself but she knew it wasn't possible. She been even willing to share with his ex girlfriend in a way, thats how much she loves him.
Hes letting him in away do the one thing that didn't help her trust anyone again. He had her fragile heart, right in the palm of his hand. Sometimes she believed she had his but other times she didn't.
His ex and he talked for hours on the phone just because she wanted to. He reminds her everyday that she's still in love with him yet she has a boyfriend now.
"Please leave him alone" a small sad song played. She wanted him to herself. She wanted all of him with whatever came with it. She already knew what the consequences could be and he knew as well but he's not ready to do his park.
She admits to herself, she knows she has alot to learn but he's got to realize that does to. The whatever you call it relationship or friendship. Its not gonna be like any of his past relationships and it never will. She can't just sit at house having the house clean or just a bunch of other stuff yet. She wants to be able to help provide for whatever she can bring to the table.
Maybe she won't be enough for him, if she said so. Maybe. Just maybe, the small doubt in her mind said. She shook her head, hating the way she felt. Hating the way her heart pounded in a certain way. She clenched her fist. She calmed her self with one breathe at a time. She wanted him and thats all she truly needed. Along with a child or two though.
© Alexiehooper