

Humilation (student parents life related )
humiliation is powerful isn't it

children struggle alot from LKG to till life .

parents want better results they want their child to be topper . here the rayceactually starts.

from Promises of chocolate to big laptops or more criticizing term for bad grades to mentally depressing them this all starts from somewhere called home.

from treating lovingly to an equally between your children humiliation enters the home.

isn't it you find home a sweet word? what is a home? I know it's not a place where only family members live together but it's a place where family share joy pain and so on with each other.

do you know when does a home turns into a house? I am not gonna to define a house is just a dead body without soul you can say building of blocks without love.

parents are concerned about the future of their children. I understand because they carefor us they do not want us a struggle full life. they want us happy. They want to have a proud moment with us.

parents intentions are always cool nice and perfect but sometime methods are just insignificant.

just like treating children differently loving your son more over your daughter whether their Gates are good or poor always criticizing them not in front of relatives but in a quiet room. always saying that why are you alive just I if you can study. comparing relative kids with yours.

I just wanna say that it doesn't hurt a child from their parents criticize them in public or comparing with other kids but what hates most is criticizing them in a empty room where only both of you are present. that somehow affect children so much you can't even imagine that it leads to their mental breakdown. they become dull to not pay attention to you. They just becomePuppets supervising by you .

dear parents stop this great race. let's start a new race of happiness knowledge and so on.

I want to cite a example that your intentions are not wrong but sometimes your methods are insignificant. a teacher of mine once told me about her daughter maybe she is in 2nd class. she doesn't daughter daughter sleep until and unless she completes the homework and learn that all. once her daughter told her let me sleep tomorrow early morning the teacher put her daughter below the cold water running tab during winters. are you able to think how much it affects her mentally.

the teacher is proudly telling about it to us.

I do not understand is it really necessary to put her below running water? according to me no you can do it by love care or let her sleep sometime you are also tired and sleep early dear.

punishments doesn't change your child into obedient. it's your love care understanding that can change everything between you two.

Humilation with in the room is more powerful than within public. by humiliating children to adjust cutting the staircase on bonds between both of you.

be students also have feelings just like you .

I know her parents loves us so much. no person can become billionaire overnight exceptions are few but you may be or may not be in that exception.

let us give a healthy environment healthy life. if you are gonna to apply love care and so on method I can bet with you are gonna to get more from us.

thank you.

© meetali