

What is this ? everything feels blurry, it’s like the darkness is consuming my heart. A bright light hits my eyes. As the light shines in my eyes I realized where I was. I was at the hospital not remembering how I got there. That was the first time I realized that the worst feeling in the world is not remembering how to feel.
As the doctor walked in and saw that I was awake he said, “Great, You’re finally awake. I have questions I need to ask you. Firstly, what is your name?” I told him my name was Red. Then he asked me if I remembered anything else. I told the doctor that I remembered my name, that I was 15, I lived in Neo-city, and that I was a boy. As he was about to leave, I asked him what happened to me. He told me that based on what the person that brought me to the hospital said I was in a terrible accident. Then I asked him who brought me here. The doctor said he doesn’t remember. He told me that he remembered it earlier, but then couldn’t recall it.
The nurse walked in and told me that my mom was here to pick me up. I got up and headed outside of the room to meet with my mom and go home. Even though I didn't remember her, I could tell that I have seen her before and that she was my mother. I walked up to my mother and said hello and in return she gave a hug and told me that she was worried about me
We arrived at home or something that looked like it was supposed to be a home. It was an old looking apartment that was in a bad neighborhood full of criminals and drug addicts, but still we headed in and head up to our room. When we enter we see that it looks better than the outside, It was clean for one thing . After I found my room, I walked in and saw that it was a plain room with a bed and a mirror and a window at the back of the room. I looked at myself in the mirror and that when I first saw what I looked like and what I was wearing. I had black hair and brown eyes, I was wearing a black and red scarf. I was also wearing a red hoodie with black pants and shoes. I decided to take a shower and then went to bed.
The next day…
I heard my mom talking with someone on the phone, it sounded like she was talking with the hospital about me. It looked like they told her that someone came to the hospital looking for me. When they told her this she looked worried, as if she knew who went to the hospital looking for me. She saw me looking at her and told to go into my room.
There was a knock at the door I was going to open the door but my mom told me not to open it and to go to my room So I went to my room like she asked. There was another knock on the door but this time it was followed by a voice. The voice said “we know he’s in there give him up and you might be spared.” my mom told me to go hide so I did. She opened the door and told them that she was the only person in the house. The men were able to tell that she was lying and pulled out their guns a few seconds later I heard a loud BANG followed by a thud hitting the ground. After I heard that I ran out to see what happened when I got out I saw the men wearing black suits with a company logo stamped on them that said Shadowx. I saw my mom on the floor bleeding. She was telling me to go and run but I couldn’t leave then she yelled at me and told me to go. So I opened the window and went on the roof and started to run then from overhead a chopper appeared looking for me and then suddenly as I was about to hit a wall everything went dark but i wasn’t dead more like I was non existent for that amount of time as a shadow or more like inside a shadow. The chopper later left the area and I reappeared from the shadow world. Right after I was on the roof for a few moments I saw an animal with white fur,pointed ears,and sharp teeth. The animal looked back at me and started to walk outside of the city toward the forest as if it was trying to tell me to follow it, so I decided to follow it. I was behind it and it started to run into a forest outside of the city.
We made it to the forest and I started to feel tired, so I went to sleep on the ground. When I woke up, I was being carried by the animal into a house that was under camouflage by the forest. When we entered I saw that there was only one person sitting on a couch in the house, a person that looked very familiar… It was my Father!
My father turned around and greeted me with hello as if he knew I was coming . My father went to his kitchen and made some tea with biscuits. He put something in the tea but I thought it was sugar so I sat down. He came back with a tray of tea and biscuits, he gave me a cup of tea and I drank it. After he finished drinking his cup of tea I asked him what the animal that brought me here was, he told me that it was a wolf and that i had a connection with it. After he said that we should go outside so we did after a while of walking my father turns around and gives me a circular object and told me that it was a compass. I told him thank you and then I started to feel sick and woozy and fall to the ground then just before I passed out I heard my father told me that everything was going to be okay.
I woke up in a tank full of water in a lab for some reason i was able to breath in the tank. My father betrayed me, he worked for the company that murdered my mother. As I kept trying to escape. I started to remember why I was in the hospital. I was being tested on by my father and the wolf was also there being tested on. They were testing on me to make me into a weapon of mass destruction but while they were testing on me something went wrong and there was a fire in the lab.
I kept trying to teleport out but it did not work. As I was about to give up, a dark person with no face appeared in front of me, I think I might have summoned him. I was able to control him so I ordered him to help me out. It opened the water tank I was in, as I got out of the tank my father walked into the lab. He looked at and was trying to make me go back into the tank. I kept asking him why did he betray me, I thought you loved me. He looked at me with a smirk and said “ you thougth I loved you, why would I do that, You’re just a lab rat for our expiriments.” I was filled with so much rage that I summoned over 100 shadow people and orders them to attack my father. They all ran toward my father and blunted him to death.
After they finished all that was left was a bloody puddle and a corpse. Just before I left I grabed my father's notebook that was on the table and bolted out the lab doors. The lab was in a shadowx building so the front and back doors were guarded by shadowx guards, so I had to find a way out. I found an exit on the roof by the time I reached the roof the alarm starts to sound, they saw that I was gone. I was on the roof and a chopper appeared over head and saw me on the roof. The chopper got lower for the people to land on the roof, the people landed on the roof. I started to run but the men were starting to catch up to me. I tried to use my powers to get away but I wasn’t able to because I over used them in the lab. As they were to catch up to me, the wolf (that i had named Grey) ran at the speed of light toward me and i got it and it roared with the force of 20 trucks and started to run. I ordered it to go far away from the city because I knew it was too dangerous to go home. When we made it far away from the city we decided that we need to lay low for a while because we’re on the run from shadowx. I knew that shadowx would not give up until they find us and I knew that I needed to train my powers to be able to defeat Shadowx. I opened the notebook that I took from my father’s lab and what was the notebook was people that my father worked with, mainly the people that he worked with to experiment me. That when I relized what I had to do, I had to find the people that worked with my father. This was the only thing I could do now is to discover who I really am because this was just the begining.