

Good Night My Lover

Do not  call me a sadist, for this is the very life that i have come to embrace. let the wind blow my sorry away.and let the barren cry no more.
As i recalled, the story of Sarah many years ago.
i had just returned from the day duty, when my phone rang.And it was sarah mum crying and heart rending. Then,  all of a sudden,
she screamed at the top of her voice;  Alex!. Where are you? Can you please come to the Federal Medical centre,
for Sarah is loosing her mind and her physical countenance is fallen apart.
To the righteous, it shall be well with thee as the scripture admonish thee.
 As confused as i was, though God is not the author of confusion.
But i couldn't gather word together nor could i consoled a mother whose daughter is at verge of given up the ghost.
on the brighter side of life.
I had this  great memories with Sarah while still on earth and her passion for medical and surgery before the incident.
She was so specific on while she did opted for such profession. And had few  books which centered on liberating the African youth. written all by herself but yet unpublished.

While the hoot sound  became unbearable to shoulder and the fate of loosing a dear one  just like  the star of the nighty which time is limited before the morning sun emerges.

I was still ghost hunted when she said; some particle had started coming out from her mouth which stench  was unpleasant while still alive.
To thee i say,
Cherish the health you thus have and  the breath that  awake thee as the cock crowed.
Send me the location i said.
To be continued...
© henralex1431