

It is easy for us to convince ourselves that we own our lives

It is even more easier to convince ourselves that we don't need to live for anyone

Yeah, it may sound like a good thing to say

But in reality you are only deceiving yourself

You can't say you own a life
that you didn't give yourself

You don't own your life, Satan doesn't own it either

You are someone's property

You are God's property

You are an investment that God is waiting for to produce yield

God is counting on you to bring him profit

He has invested so much in you my dear, you might think he hasn't done much for you

But you're still better off than a lot of people

In fact you being alive is a proof that you are his investment

He gave you life so you owe him your life and not the devil

The devil didn't give you anything and so you don't owe him anything

You have to make a choice to give profits to the one who invested in you and not some thief no matter how hard it is

And remember, that the tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down by its master

Make a choice today, that your life will bear fruit

That your life will bring profit to the one who invested in you


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