

A love out of her league
This world is indeed a mess, things never work like I want them to . I am Cara , living in this exclusive kingdom , our king is very cruel and merciless, everybody hates him. I just want to live life my way but my parents they never allow me to do so . Therefore I'm planning to escape from this kingdom and move to the neighbouring kingdom . Everybody says that the people of the neighbouring kindgdom are kind-hearted and generous , I hope I can live a better life there.

Cara followed her plan and in the midnight, she ran away from her house. There was a huge jungle in her way to the neighbouring kingdom and she had to travel though the jungle in order to reach the neighbouring kingdom named - 'Soccoa' . There was dark everywhere with sounds of animals in the jungle. She was so firm with her decision that she even though was scared but entered the jungle. Everything was going well and she found a good place to sleep underneath a tree . She woke up in the morning and started walking to reach Soccoa, but after 4 hours of continuous walking she realised the fact that she is lost . She was soo sad and anxious. She felt soo sad for her parents and herself and started crying out loud . After some time a boy noticed her , he asked her why is she crying, to which Cara told him the whole story how she escaped and is now stuck in the jungle. He told her that he is also going to the Soccoa kingdom and she could join him. On their way Cara told him her name and asked him what his name is to which he replied Kevin .Then they both went together. It was evening and after some time it was almost dark , they both reached the kingdom together. Cara said thanks and then Kevin left.
Cara was a little nervous as the place was new to her , she explored it and finds a place to live for 20 gold coins . After she paid the money she entered the house and straight away went to the bedroom and slept . Next morning she was soo excited to visit new places in the Soccoa kingdom. She got dressed and locked her house and left. She was soo excited and started running and accidentally bumped into a boy and the boy fell down into a mud pond , everyone on the street started laughing at him . He was standing with his friends. The boy was soo furious and told her that he is the son of the royal minister of the kingdom and he will make sure that she will be punished for this. Cara was soo scared that she tried to escape but the friends of the boy caught her. She was crying on her way to the palace.
In the palace, the boy presented Cara in front of the minister who was his father and told him to punish Cara as she made him fall in the mud pond and thus made everyone laugh at him , the minister was soo furious and took Cara to the king and convenced him to give Cara punishment. Cara was crying and kept on convencing the king that it wasn't her falt. But the King refused to listen to her explaination and was about to give her punishment, until a sound came from the back -" stop it dad , you should listen to the explanation of the girl before giving her punishment" . Everybody was shocked as it was the prince who spoke these words. Cara turned around and was shocked , she said -"kkk.........." something choked her .Offcourse it was Kevin , the boy Cara met in the jungle . Cara was shocked as Kevin is the prince of the kingdom, she was anxious as Kevin hided his reality of being the prince from her . Kevin further asked Cara to explain the whole matter to the king, to which Cara explained everything with detail . Although it was by mistake but the minister forced the king to punish Cara to which the queen who was sitting next to the king said , " Cara will be one of our servant for one month " or " She could spend rest of her life in the prison". Cara unwillingly said yes to the first option , after that she was given a seperate room and a servant head gave her the instructions for her work, while she was moving she made eye contact with the prince and his eyes seemed worried about her . She then reached the room which was assigned to her , she was already very tired but she was made to leave her room and clean the palace . After completing all the work , she went back to her room . She was regretting her decision of leaving her own house and kingdom . After some time there was a knock on her window , she ignored it but again after some time there was a knock on her window. She then went near her window and opened it , to her surprise it was the prince that is Kevin. He jumped into her room through the window and said sorry that he could not save her from the punishment. But Cara said it's okay and now he can leave but Kevin wanted her to escape from the palace so that she could be free from the punishment but Cara denied as she wanted to complete the punishment and then leave the kingdom. She asked him to leave and then Kevin left her room. Next morning Cara woke up and took a bath , she then started doing the cleaning stuff , after some time Cara noticed a very beautiful girl entering the palace, she was amazed by her beauty and then the queen came and took the girl to her room , Cara wanted to know why that beautiful girl is here so she went near the door in order to listen to what they were saying . The queen said to the girl," oh my dear princess Louisa , I'm extremely grateful that you came here and I'm very excited as you are going to marry my beloved son soon". She , then told her to go to Kevin's room , Louisa went there , and Cara followed her , Kevin hugged Louisa and told her he missed her a lot as they were friends since childhood. Louisa told him about their engagement to which Kevin replied that he want some time for that and then Louisa went to a room next to Kevin's room. Cara , then completed her work and in the evening went back to her room . At the night she was almost asleep when she heard a knock on her window and she immediately when near it and opened it , again it was Kevin who jumped into her room though the window, she asked him why is he in her room at this hour . He was anxious and told her about Louisa, he told him that he don't want to marry Louisa and he is trying hard to postpone the engagement. Then after sometime he asked her if she could marry him , just for the sake of saving him from Louisa as Louisa wants to marry him for his money and kingdom. He said it would be a deal if she could marry him just for few weeks and then he would help her to escape from this kingdom and go back to her own kingdom to her parents. Cara was nervous and amused after thinking for a while she said no.........Kevin felt bad and without uttering a single word went back to his room . Next morning as usual Cara was doing her work that is to clean the palace , after some time the minister's son arrived with his friends and started teasing Cara as she was cleaning the sculptures. She ignored them and kept doing her work but the minister's son started shaking the chair she was standing on , which made her fell on the floor and all the boys started laughing at her. A voice came from back , "stop it" and when everyone turned back, to their surprise it was princess Louisa . She gave her hand to Cara and made her stand back on her feets . She then asked them to leave and took Cara to her room . When they both were in her room , Louisa asked Cara why is she working here as she very is young to which Cara told her everything that happened with her. After which Cara left her room , she was running back to work and then got bumped into Kevin again she bowed down saying sorry your majesty it was my mistake , i was in a hurry . But Kevin didn't listen to what she said and took her to his room and locked it and then told her that it is impossible for her to leave this palace as he got an information from his servant that his mother the queen has already sold Cara as a servant to princess Louisa's brother and she has to be Louisa's brother that is Andrew's servant for the rest of her life. Cara was soo shocked and started crying out loud. Kevin told her that he tried his best to get her free , he already talked with his mother on this topic and she said that the agreement is already signed and now nothing can be changed. Cara was heartbroken and asked him to help her out but he too can't do anything. After this Cara ran back to her room and cried. Kevin was soo anxious about her and went to Louisa's room . He approached her and told her everything about Cara being sold as a servant to her brother Andrew. She said she herself can't help Cara as her brother is very rude and He really hates it when any agreement or promise is broken. But she said there's a way i can tell him that I want a young servant and that I think Cara would be perfect and when Andrew will send Cara to her she will let her free , but she said she'll do this on a promise from his side that he will marry her next month. Kevin said no he wouldn't but then the thought of Cara being a servant threatened him so he said yes.............Kevin left Louisa's room . He was relieved that now Cara would be free as Louisa will ask her brother to give Cara as a servant to her , but at the same time he was literally sad for himself as now he has to marry Louisa as a deal is done between them . He really don't wanted to marry her cause she was a girl who was extremely self obsessed and he already knew that she wants to marry him , in order to be the queen of his kingdom. Busy in his thoughts Kevin entered his room and after a while decided to tell everything to Cara. Cara was literally shocked by this idea of getting her sold to Andrew and was crying alone in her room . When Kevin knocked the door, she wiped her tears and went near the gate to open it. Kevin entered her room and noticed that the bedsheet of her room was tied to her window which Cara was supposed to use to escape from the palace . He told her that now there is no need for her to escape the palace as he already made a deal with Louisa that he will marry her and in return she will get Cara free from being his brothers servant.
Cara was extremely happy and thanked him but then the expressions in her face changed when she noticed Kevin wasn't happy at all , she asked him the reason why is he sad to which he replied that he really don't want to marry Louisa . Cara said then why did you agreed for this deal, you could have made some other deal with Louisa to which Kevin didn't replied and left her room . Cara didn't slept that night she kept on thinking about Kevin and the time she spend with him and the way he agreed to marry Louisa just to get her free from Andrew. Next morning as usual Cara did her cleaning stuff and at the time of afternoon when she was returning back to her room she heard the fellow servants talking about Kevin's engagement with Louisa tomorrow . Cara was confused so she asked them is it true or not to which the servants replied that it is true and there is going to be a big fest tomorrow on the occasion of the engagement of our prince ..........Cara's eyes were filled with tears after listening this news . She went back to her room and cried a lot and then she asked herself why is she crying, why is she feeling sad if Kevin is getting engaged to Louisa and then she just ran towards Kevin's room and without catching anyone's attention secretly entered his room and hugged him she told him that she believes she is in love with him to which Kevin replied that he also feels the same for her. Cara was still crying, Kevin asked her that he will leave everything for her and they both can leave the kingdom and move to some other village to spend rest of their life together. Cara said yes .
Kevin told her to come to the horse stable in the midnight from where they could escape the kingdom with a horse. Cara was glad to hear all this and to see how much Kevin cares about her. After that Cara went back to her room and eagerly waited for midnight . In the midnight Kevin was already at the horse stable with few clothes and money . He waited for Cara but Cara didn't came , he thought she might have fallen asleep so he went to her room and knocked the door but Cara didn't open it , he waited for very long but then also Cara didn't open her gate . So he thought to enter her room though her window. And when he entered her room Cara wasn't there . He searched her everywhere but she was not there. He was soo upset and worried for her , he went back to his room and then ordered the soldiers to search for Cara. Next morning when he woke up he ran towards the soldiers and asked if they found Cara but everyone said no and that they searched the whole kingdom but they could not find her............Kevin became extremely sad after this . Everyone around him was very happy . The servants were preparing things for his engagement. No-one noticed that Cara was missing. And as decided in the morning the engagement took place and Louisa and Kevin got engaged. This news spread all over the kingdom and the announcement of their marriage after one month was made and the invitation for their wedding were distributed to all the people of the kingdom and neighbouring kindgdom.
After one month, we see Cara living with her parents she was upset and the reason why she left Kevin and escaped the kingdom was still a mystery. Cara was normally living her life. Her mother asked her to bring vegetables from the market to which she excitedly ran towards the market and then suddenly bumped into a boy , who was dressed like a groom . He gave Cara his hand and then when Cara looked at him she was shocked , as he was Kevin . He asked her to take him to her house to which Cara took him to his house and introduced him to his family members as a normal boy who is her friend. Then she took him to her room and asked how is he here to which Kevin tells her that he ran away from his wedding with Louisa cause he doesn't like her and she is rude and bossy kinda girl and told Cara that he was searching for her as he remembered that she told him the name of the village she lived in so he came here to meet her . After which he asked her the reason why she left him alone in midnight and ran away from the palace to which Cara told him that at that night Louisa came to her room and told her that she really loves Kevin and she wants to marry him and also she told Cara that if Kevin won't marry her than Louisa's father was going to force her to marry a king who was 56 years old and Louisa didn't wanted to marry an old king . This made Cara feel pity for Louisa so she left the kingdom so that Kevin could get married to Louisa and at the end Louisa wouldn't have to marry that old king . Kevin told Cara that even though she did it because she felt pity for Louisa but then also she might have told him and they both would have tried to find a way out of it . After this Kevin bent on his knees and tooks a ring out of his pocket and proposed Cara will you marry me to which Cara said yes.. and Kevin then told her that now he will spend the rest of his life with her in this village. They both got married after that.....
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