

My 32 Days Writing-prompt ✨💌... Day 6
Day 6 of 32 Days Writing-prompt ✨🫂

It's Sunday noon and it's quite sunny, everything seems bright except how I am currently feeling, I feel very tired from traveling and I am still on transit...

I use to think prices of things are outrageous but today clarifes that it's not just outrageous, it's extremely outrageous. I boarded a bus to this same destination like I did a couple of months ago and now, the price is doubled! I meant Doubled! How on earth? How did this happen? In my country, I know things aren't favouring but vendor and business personnel are going extreme, Well they shouldn't build their mansion on just one profit, they should be nice and considerate, it can assist the world in becoming a nicer place.
Wait! that wasn't even it, I had my highlight earlier before I embark on my journey.

The Highlight
Apparently, I couldn't get any bus on getting to the...