

God's Masterpiece
God's Masterpiece
When God created the woman he was just showing off...
When God created woman, He was letting us know that He could create the most beautifulest creation in the world.
Man has his will but Woman has her way.....
God may created man before woman, but there's always a Rough Draft before His Masterpiece.
Masterpiece is defined as a person's greatest pieces of work, as in a work of art. It is anything done with masterly skill, a consummate example of skill or excellence of any kind.
What makes a masterpiece?
The mere thought of the power of great art lies, in it's ability to move us, explaining an enduring passion for something memorable.
What constitutes a masterpiece?
Eye opening images, a thing of beauty, extraordinary skill, artistic achievement, a piece of work.
When God created woman she was created as just that a piece of work...
Only God could create something so beautiful, that she could bring a man to his knees....
She was created in His own image a diamond in the rough, a hidden treasure, chosen jewels, Daughters of Eve.
Two eyes for envisioning His beauty, as a sun rising and setting
Two ears for listening to His creations as a babbling brook, cascading waterfall, various birds.

One mouth and a tongue to sing His Praises, Spread the Gospel, not criticize and not to judge yet we do it all day. Life and Death is in the power of the tongues so speak good things and not bad.
Two arms for holding Him, Showing Him love and compassion, safety, security.
Two hands with 10 fingers as for clapping, signing to music to give Him Praise, that He is more than worthy of.
Number 10 means order of completion...
Two legs as in expressing a form of intrepretive dance going out to witness in places that you would never go.
Two feet to walk, jump and tap like you have fire beneath them for showing Praise...
Genesis 2:23 This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man. We were created in His image, His love doesn't get any better than that.
We were taken from the side not the head or the feet...
He put us not above you or below you but beside you...
Not to be talked down to nor to be trodden or walked on...
Traci Justyce Melton