

" Is the camera rolling?"
"Alright "
I am Amelia Desalve, I am 55 , mother of two and I am a survivor of the Great Tsunami.( flashback)

" Amma I feel sometimes strange is happening in the sea , I think we should go " I shouted to my Amma who was playing with my little brother near the sea with sand , she looked and the water was coming closer. It was something my madam had thaught me in school, A Tsunami. My Amma and little brother started to run,but due to age they were not able to keep up with me . I was scared , I was scared of what will happen to them.My Appa was in Delhi for work.I climbed up to a tree and saw the water coming closer and saw one person who had climb a tree and fallen down in the Tsunami due to the high waves , I looked around and saw a building but how I will reach up there, I took my God name and jump down from the tree and started to go near the building, I found the stairs leading to the rooftop and run up . I saw an uncle maybe in his 60s coming behind me , I tried to help him but it went to waste. I climbed to the rooftop and saw a glimpse of hope the workers who were working in this building had come to the rooftop. I saw few children and few old people. The sight was dreadful, everyone was hurt
and crying. A lady was on her knees asking did they saw her child. What may have happened to my mother and little brother. I heard from some that there was an earthquake in Delhi where my dad was . Am I going to be an orphan?
Scared and hungry I stayed there 24 hours. Seeing the water level decreasing
I saw thousanda of dead bodies. It was a scene that could make you feel lucky that you weren't one of them . I still have no idea what happened to my mother . I saw an helicopter coming to us and we all waved to it . All the girls and Children which were only two went in it . The men had to come in the next helicopter which comes , they gave them some food and us too.

From the high above I can dead bodies lying and the destruction. I close the little girl eyes which were next to me .
She asked me " Is mommy going to be alright?" I have no choice but to stay optimistic.
"Yes she will be "
Coming to a safe village which were not affected, I saw my mom and my little brother standing there . I ran to them .
Dad was safe and I was home with them


I have a mark on my right leg calf , you can see , it is a scar that helps me in the deadliest and darkest nights about that I was the survivor of The great Tsunami.
10,000 People had died and I was happy I was safe.
How Good , God is .

© angeldorothy