

The hidden influencer
People including me are, now a days, heavily dependent on social medias. Even though we deny , our lives are, in some ways , controlled by these lifeless applications. And we manipulate our lives according to "their" instincts. These platforms are low-key useful. It provides us a platform to get to know a wide spectrum of people and their culture. It also gives us the access to contact literally anyone in the world; but by doing this , it is taking away some of our basic rights too.
With the arrival of WhatsApp and all, we often forget to make calls to people in our lives. We find hard to spend time with our family because we are quite concerned about what is happening inside these apps than in our lives. Instead of wishing birthdays directly or through phones , we make it even simpler by putting up a photo on Instagram or WhatsApp . Even people who really don't talk to you , would send friend requests on everywhere . And when you accept it , instead of asking" how are you or how is your family" they politely ask you to like and comment on their photos.
people these days are so into posting everything on social medias. some of the post can inspire you ; while some of them annoy you and some of them make you feel kicked out.
Even social media is the one telling people how much they are important to the world based on the likes and comments you get for a post. The more you get likes , the more you feel honoured as if your life is dependent on it.
For instance, when I have started publishing my works on writco , I would get less views ( and still continues😂). At first I was a bit sad and full of doubts as to" why doesn't
anybody like my post ? why does it get less views? is it that bad? etc etc .By the way, i am so vulnerable to emotions. These thoughts frequently made me sad. But when I actually thought of it, i was like "why do I care so much about appreciations? why do I make a great deal out of it? I am writing because I want to relieve my emotions. I am writing because I want to ruminate on my past and finally,I am writing because I love to. People like it or not ; it is up to them. I have even burned my calories to these thoughts. It is a complete nonsense. Guys don't evaluate yourself on the basis of what others rank you. So if you get less likes or less views or if nobody acknowledges your madness ( also known as your creativity) don't worry , just be more crazy.

Apparently we are all humans. We love to show off our skills and get appreciated.