

Wisdom In The Heavenly

Spirituality is an individual journey.
There are many different paths for you and I.

And nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.

There are wisdom in the heavenly.
The birds of the earth, the ideology that made it known.

There are doors for spiritual enlightenment.
And nothing just happened without your consent consciously or unconsciously.

Your soul, are governed by spiritual law.
And the manifestation therefore are the implication of your spiritual maturity either which way you shape it.

This is preordained law and all entity must abide by such ordinances.
No spirit comes to one territory without one authorization.
I am sick of wisdom, not as a philosopher thus with sound doctrine.
Atheism neither believe in the existence of a supreme being.
A man who sat above the earth, the third heavens and watches over mankind with humility.
As I sat backstage,
and mediate for few minutes.
What life would be after now.
For those that will come after our non existence.
The impact and what would be said of us
as they gaze through our photos.
The memory lane of a man that once existed on planet earth.
Who tour and struggle to make godly livelihood.
There lies a city in ancient Athen,
the birth place of the goddess of wisdom
Where each night fall were set aside to communicate and meditate with absolute Silent from all soul..
You know wisdom cometh at night,
doubtless I.
I saw in the third hours,
a chariot of fire
To be continued...
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