

Thoughts and Ramblings
I woke up with the sound of my two male cats viciously fighting for the obvious reason I could guess:

Fighting for dominance.

On who’s the alpha.


I almost rolled my eyes with that three-letter word but then I remember they’re not.

Because they’ll forever be my babies. For a moment there I sounded like a proud mother.


I sprung out of bed, feeling a little bit dizzy. Not sure if it’s because of my sudden movement or the drinks I had a few hours before.

Probably---no certainly not. That’s just a few drinks. And it’s a holiday. And I’m not too drunk not to remember everything.

I still remember my brother too wasted he’s yelling while singing in karaoke. Was he even singing? I caught it on my phone. Wait till he hears it later. That’ll be fun.

I’m not too drunk to remember not to do the same thing. For goodness’ sake, I for sure would not let the whole neighborhood hear me sing. If that could even be called singing or just reciting a poem or something.

Oh, I would kill to be good at singing. Envy.

And not too drunk to miss someone I never had. (Laughs)

Oh well, who cares, everyone’s having fun and enjoying the new year with their families.

Because if there’s one thing I could be proud of my race, is that family is everything.

Now, I don’t want to sound like Dominic Toretto and I honestly think that Fast and Furious should have ended at 7, if not, much much earlier than that. Terminator at 2 because the third one doesn’t make sense at all. Judgment day did not happen. They’ve changed the future. Die Hard at 2 and my list could go on and on, and that was just my opinion, which probably, doesn’t matter but who cares. I don’t and you shouldn’t.

I guess, as my friend told me, people are greedy.

And by greedy, she meant money and everything are surrounded with.

But in a way, being greedy is human nature, we can’t help it.

We, the descendants of the homo sapiens are greedy in nature. Greedy in a sense that we wish we’d forever be with the people we love.

For however long that forever takes.

But you know it’s not possible, so we just got to savor the moment. While it lasts.

Oh, but if you consider friends as a family then that’s all the same thing. After all, it shouldn’t be defined by blood.

It’s the bond. And the love. And acceptance. Of who you are. No matter what.

"I don't have friends, I have a family"

I don't want to go back to that topic so I won't mention his name anymore but that's too funny not to include. Anyway, I'm weird. I get it a lot.

The holiday’s been good for us, though a little nostalgic. We’re not complete as a family this year but in our hearts, we are, no matter how far we may wander.

It’s good except for a few altercations and eye-rolling moments that can’t be helped.

Of your relatives you haven’t seen for ages and the first thing they’d say to you :

“You’ve gained a lot of weight!” (When was the last time you’ve seen me? fifteen years ago?)

“When are you getting married?” (And when you answered “I’m not planning to” they looked at you with their eyes bulged you wish you could take them away in their sockets with a screwdriver and a hammer but that’s too macabre so you say to yourself “Nah” and just smiled.

Let’s stop this toxic cycle in our generation, please.

Let’s normalize that being alone doesn’t make one lonely.

Let’s normalize that status and job description should not be the basis of how you treat people.

Treat everyone with respect.

Respect begets respect.

I don’t have a new year’s resolution. I’m too sick and tired of that. After all, it’s the same old thing I’ve been writing when I was still studying. That’s the very first thing that'd welcome you in school. Write your new year’s resolution. With your brain still in vacation mode. Great.

I did not even do what I said there. In fact, I don’t even remember. Not that it matters.

You know, if the only thing you did last year is to survive then that’s okay, that’s completely fine.

Let’s at least start with that.

The new year doesn't need to be a "new me"

So cheers to us.
© euphemia