

'Hey, this is exactly the right thing to do. This menace circle has to end this way. Nobody will be hurt. You can be the knight in the shining armour for your family, friends, all near dear ones emancipating them from ties of all this plight. This misery which is completely YOURS. The agony for which YOU are responsible. One wee step and the entire chaos subsides. Take it. Do it. Its just momentary pain that will cease all the dejection, despair, regret and sorrow. Its now or never. Pick up the knife moseying it down your wrist set yourself free !!'

These and many more are the voices of the demon inside you, the turbulent force that tardily takes you away from the brightness of life impelling you in the shadow of darkness . Suicide is not an instant action rather it is more of a slow poison, an insidious process of all the negative emotions integrating into one single unit, an entity that sluggishly grows in size puissant enough to take over your mind fully. It gets to be the master and your brain to be the slave.

It is easy for people to blame the victim of being vulnerable, fragile, failure, indolent for not finding apt solution to their issues. The bitter truth of life is that their world is not just different from ours rather upside down of what we percieve. This is not a state of being gloomy rather its facing an an evil that is pulling you deeper and deeper in the crevices of pessimism. Its like a thousand of echoes inside your head all urging you to see white as dull, red as danger, yellow as warning, grey as shady , orange as panic. Steadily the luster of all the colours disappear and all you have is every bit of your heart imploring freedom from the tangled knots of scepticism.

Its time for the sufferer to place trust in his own existence, to observe and believe in the rising of the sun, the gleaming of the stars, the gusting of the wind and to make an attempt to fight one more time, to breathe one more day, to smile one more minute .

The bells should be ringing for the society as well. Its time to acknowledge that it is on them to cage this monster perhaps, it is on the people to have ever let it reign in the first place. Now is that instant to change, to put an end to the strangulation of people in the name of tradition, culture, beliefs, opinions. It is time to launch a phase of respecting not only humans around us but also accepting their choices , decisions to give them space enough to unfurl their wings and to make their own flight. It is that very hour to lay stress on the boundless universe of learning that things around us have, to infuse the spirit of welcoming the unknown, the unseen and the unheard with open arms.

With so many lives already taken and a lot more at risk its a call from humanity to wake up and stand firmly against this devilish force united. To begin an era of living in collaboration, rendering each other support, care, love and hope sufficient enough to enable them to open up their arms to puff in some fresh air rather than jump off from a high rise building,to pick up the phone instead of a blade , to have a gulp of water in place of fatal pills, to escape from the room instead of their lives.

Even if it is one person whose situation can be ameliorated with our presence it is still a life worthy enough to be saved!!