

The old tree
Once again, the night got over,began a new day
all the people left their home, leaving for work, travelling all the way

ohh my little friends,look how these humans are moving in such a hurry from one side of the road to another- said the tall tree to his little buddies- the younger,blooming plants
yes grandpa, we also see the same- the plants replied
making a curious face,the youngest of them asked- grandpa,why are these people running so fast,can't they just walk a bit slowly?
the tree replied- no my dear, the human race now lives only for money
for them, time is money, air is money,water is money and even other humans, are money
but grandpa,don't they love each other like we do,asked another of the little plants
the tree smiled,and replied- they love each other,but for them even this love ,is money and even to show this love,they need money
the tree continued to speak- almost all the humans are just runnning, wasting their lives and precious moments, I have been standing here since many years,saw many of them falling and rising
someday or the other this race will end
and only the memories will remain to blend