

The Castle of Count Wilbur: Part 11 (Final Part)
"You'll both stay here till I decide when to release you." Count Wilbur slammed the rusty gate of the dungeon, where he had thrown both Eveline and Theodore.

"I hope you both have a horrible night, with dreams fraught with unpleasantries and eerie thingumbobs." scoffed the Count as her locked the heavy padlock of the gate.

Count Wilbur strode out of the dungeon with so many thoughts churning in his mind.

Why won't she love me? Why can't she love me?! He thought aloud and kicked at a wall angrily as he passed by.

"I swear it," he said to himself. "I'll make her affections mine, and all mine. Her devotion will be to none other but myself." The Count promised to himself, as he thought of a plan to carry out next.

#mystery #horror #gothicfiction #victorianera

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