

An undeniably brilliant, nightmarish portrait of one man's personal hell.
Taxi Driver (1976) By Martin Scorsese

Taxi Driver is a film about alienation and obsession. Travis Bickle is a socially dysfunctional, mentally disturbed insomniac war veteran that drives a taxi in New York. He hates the city, especially Times Square because it is crawling with rapists, pimps, and prostitutes, people who he refers to as “filth and scum”. Now we don’t really see all the things that happen that are depicted as “filth”, other than the 12-year old prostitute and his pimp. But remember, we aren’t seeing things as they are, we are put in the eyes of Travis Bickle, but we don’t have his mindset.

Travis is frustrated that he isn’t able to fit in. He is lonely and he wants a companion, ideally a girlfriend. But, he isn’t able to get one. This is one of the root causes of Travis’ frustration. The rapists, pedophiles that walk...