

His Eyes for Years.
The blood is running, this little girl stunning!

The boy got caught!

God pulled Golliath in chain!

News of her trauma down the vine...

They circled her jumping!

God fuels against Golliath!

Broken red ice chest!

Kindred of blood bleet away all her fellowship!

She forgot who fought Golliath!

She fought Golliath on her own, and was thrown, was tossed! Beaten, brains damaged, something was lost...

She continued trotten a path of that through the dark.




Woke up to an owl in a park.

All those she loved, all those who judged, all those who chased away the fellowship... have gone... Still she weeps for them. Still she weeps for them with clasped hands.

The fellowship is loving.

Tests thriving, she's still surviving...

The family is too.

Stronger now seeing another day of opened eyes are always to be again before His eyes at hers.

His eyes...

All the years. All the years.

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