

The Wind In My Fate
Shaken by storms like scattered rose petals blown by forces of desire, agriviation continued to stumble upon my path and insecurity doesn't retire, longing for the moments yet to come, infumated and flabagasted by hatred , ahead in my horizon laid a standing stone illuminated by gold dust and bereaved by thornes from a twisted time ,

night approaches I gazed towards the deep blue sky , bitterness sorounded my heart tears meandering across my cheeks wondering when will this end, at the moment darkness triangulated my path and it continues to condemn my horizon, I was forgotten and lost to time, as I saw diamonds brightening the level so high I asked my self why can I be a part of it,

the reality checks in I'm still drawn away by a chain of broken dream, abandance and chaos descended, blasphemy and degradation where weakening my soul, I went dawn on my knees and I prayed hard hopping for the sun to exhoust and grace the light upon my world , but the rumble of senseless issues and the embracement of non-existing glory were like dark cloud bringing forth shadows to haunt my plain sight view,

Exuberant I was for my heart was bleeding deep from within, as I looked at the world around it was cracked and dry half burnt by the tears from within my heart, the place where I stand it was filled with lakes of cold red blood, deriving from the wars I wanted because I wanted to regain freedom, ashes remaining warm, imperceptibly I proceeded walking through the path filled with dark desires,

I saw black trees drifting away now fading from my sight, reminds me of the day I thought I could find my faith in love,as hatred dominated my time of possibilities the clouds of cold and grey where engulfing the diamonds in the deep blue sky, shivering it was, shame and greed brought discomfort in my time, little by little my hands begun to freeze mucus running from my nose this was the day I will never forget,

fear crawled in my time of possibilities bringing for deciet and rejection

to be continued
© tetragrammaton

continuing with the The Wind In My Fate

I could feel emptiness echoing in my deep blue sky, dust came and it eroded my time and devoured the destination ahead all was done in a blink of an eye thunder of bitterness rained and the hail of hopelessness befall upon my horizon

as I mined for my sulvation and the way out as I traveled along the time of my possibilities I came across a place where two roads diverged in the wood, it was cold and confusing, it's a place where sorrow hang in the walls of tomorrow, strong wind begun to locomote towards east,

the sorbering of the trees got louder, shadowed wind begun to darken the windows of my destiny, darker and darker my path seemed to be, the pain in was growing with deep bleeding wounds, I wrapped them with lighter smiles like Christmas presents hanging around my air just waiting for for bitterness to end