

The Stone Thrower
Gary thought it would be fun to throw stones at the old folks windows as he walked home from messing around with his mates, it gave him a proper laugh as he ran along throwing as he went as he knew that he could outrun them all.

One day though one of the old men lay in wait behind his wall, as Gary went to throw a stone the old man jumped up and grabbed Gary, he shouted to his wife I've got him girl call the police, Gary panicked and pushed the old man, knocking him to the ground.
Gary ran away leaving the old man bleeding from a head injury, he had smashed his head on the kerbstone.
The wife called an ambulance, they found her crying and cradling her husband, the paramedics checked the old man's vitals but there was no pulse, he was pronounced dead at the scene.
The police appealed for witnesses but there were none, Gary's father noticed his son was acting very strange, he said Gary what's wrong, Gary confessed, his father took him to the police station, he was arrested and charged with manslaughter.

Gary is currently serving time in a young offenders prison, he will finish his sentence in an adult prison when he reaches eighteen.

# Think before you regret your actions
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