

The Mysterious Saviour

She held on to the fragile branch with a death's grip as the roaring water threatened to drag her away.
She gasped, the bubbling swirls entering her mouth. There was no hope left...

As she struggled to fight against the current and stay afloat, she glanced towards the bank where she saw her loved ones standing, looking at her with helpless expressions. She knew that they were shouting out her name, but their voices were muffled by the powerful sound of the waterfall. Deep down inside, she felt a flutter of despair growing stronger with every passing moment until she resigned herself to fate.

But then, she noticed something unusual; the water that had been pushing her away, was slowly starting to become still, as if an invisible force was at work. She saw a massive figure emerging from the calm surface of the water, his arms extending towards her. It was a mysterious man whose face was hidden behind a mask of a white tiger.

As he grabbed her hand, she felt a jolt of electric energy surge through her body, and suddenly, her vision changed. The waterfall that had appeared so menacing only seconds ago, now looked like a beautiful painting, with brush strokes of dazzling colors that danced on the eyes in sheer wonder.

She knew in her heart that she had been granted a second chance and resolved to reclaim her life. From that day on, the memory of that strange yet benevolent figure would be forever etched in her mind, as a symbol of hope and redemption.
© tekkanshojiro