

Three Insightful Tear Drops
I realized I was in denial when I didn't open up my chakras enough to internalize and have the insight to foresee an unhealthy comfortability within me.

Lack of meditation, focus and universal balance, lead myself to acts of selfish behavior.

Believing all I needed was me.

I could 'Fix It'.


Weighing me down.


The first step.


Self reliance.

I've a comfortability in being treated less than my self worth.

Sometimes comfortability is dangerous.

A cycle of disaster.

Habitually, causing low-self esteem, and self hatred.

A numb but destructive mindset.

Filled with an overwhelming need to cry.

The first tear drop fell heaviest to the floor.

The second droplet of salty water that ran down my face came from being afraid.

Physically feeling rapid zaps in my brain from the spinnnig ache and dizziness coming from my self made ways; sraining to convert into a conscious mindset.

The state of denial into acceptance.

A choice I'd to make for me.

By me.

To be the best me I can possibly be.

Or not.

Suddenly dependant, absorbing quicker than quick the desperate and intentional need to 'Reach Out'.

I'd cried for understanding from others.

Always misunderstood.

Remaining the same.

My intuition overpowered my selfish thoughts, questioning the different ways I'd view aspects of showing and having self respect.

Nearly non judgemental of anyone.

My body is a temple.

There's to be a routine of self care.


The importance and significance, of needing to love myself including family, friends and loved ones with more action.

Nurturing my core.

My main energy source.

I'd experienced a moment of facing acceptance through the most perfect and perspective view of my higher power.

Giving me indefinite, limitless access to guidance, strength in will power, motivation, hope, faith, grace, forgiveness and unconditional love.

The thought of change is scary for most.

The fear of the unknown.

I'd been made aware that I've the responsibility of owing myself and others the purest heart I have to offer.

More so than it is now.

Unforgiveness, withheld, towards myself and others.

It'd been tainted with worldly influences.

Genuinity is real.

Descriptive to the most important attribute of my personality.

Internal healing.

Unintentional external ego.




A third tear lightly streamed down my nose that dripped onto my lips, down my chin and the front of my neck.

My third eye released emotional back up.

A vision came to me.

I saw a near future of astouding motivation, certainty of success, and an abundance of blessings.


I've been and will continue to be a spiritual person.

But I adopted a new religious practice called 'Self Love'.

Written by:

Amy Jo Koontz

© Amy Jo Koontz