

wrapped the wound

1. Shut the world away from your mental existence. So they don't have a chance to hurt you. Meaning they don't exist so even when you know they do just destroy them.

By staring into nothing.

2. fill your mind with angry intentions.
So when someone targets you youll
Be ready to throw down.

3. The moment someone is mean when your
Just being nice remember them and the next time you see them. And they say something to you that's nice reverse it on them with silence. Just look at them and go back to whatever you were doing.

If they know what is good they'll see you not
Playing with their negative games.
Because your not like them.

4. In school people picked with you
But years later when you ask why they
Did what they did their excuse is.

I was young yet they hug you for not seeing you in years. Think about it.

Put 2 and 2 together school they were
Mean and only targeted you. Now we have not seen each other in so long and the first response is hey and you both hug. Now
It's crazy yet I know people change.
But from that time in school to now and to give you a hug she should have still hated you. Right unless she been thinking about you and liked you on the low not wanting anyone to know.

© santanna jones