

She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she...
she knew she could do it.
she just had to give it her all and not let anything stop her.
it would all be worth it in the end.
and she knew it.
her willingness to strive and never give up was what she did best.
her journey was just starting one where starting over in life was just what she needed.
new job, new home, new furniture, new everything.
the only thing that was the same was the man who stood next to her for all the years before.
they needed a new beginning.
after 16 years together. it was finally time for them to put all the past behind them and all the bad people and start new where the only people who truely mattered was just those two.
no more caring what others may think. or doing what others wanted them to do.
for once in there lives it was just those two against the world. and that's all that mattered to them.
she had faught so many battles in her life always trying to please everyone else and never herself. him always working hard never putting himself above all.
now they finally realized it needed to be about them and starting over with there lives was the best way to do it and together they started it hand in hand. putting everyone and everything in the shadows behind them. taking it step by step and never looking back. they both needed and deserved it. and so after 16 long years that's what they did.
And this story is to be continued....

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