

Who exactly am I ? - (Part 1)
The aeroplane was just about to take off when I saw the girl for the second time today. She was sitting in a nearby bench, wearing a pair of blue jeans, a red jacket and a printed cap. She was looking at the trees far away and was giving occasional sips to the coke bottle in her hand. I was watching her from inside the plane. I am neither going somewhere as a tourist nor with any other usual reasons that one has for traveling.
Actually I am retreating. Yes! Retreating! Now...people have strange and frightening reasons that make them flee from something. In my case, it's a girl! I would have laughed at this story of it wasn't happening with me. The things that seem most laughable turn the most serious ones when they happen to ourselves. This girl - I don't even know her name - has caught my eyes every day and at every place I go. This is happening since the 5th of October. That was indeed a really happy day (probably the happiest one of my life). Such a happy day, but the ones which followed it were nightmares. Nothing really happened, only that I saw this every single day in the past two months. She even invaded my dreams, waking me up, soaked in sweat.
What is the problem with seeing a girl everyday? No problem at all! If the girl isn't the exact duplicate of you! Yes! She is just the mirror image of myself. That's what frightens me. She never looks at me nor does she try to talk. but her sight gives me chills. So, I am going away. Away from the city and this damned girl.
She threw the empty Coke bottle in a nearby dustbin and stood up. I froze when I saw her boarding the same plane as mine. I wanted to shout out to someone to actually lighten my burdened chest, but neither do I know anyone here no do I own a phone, you heard it right. I feel extremely uncomfortable with such load in my pocket the whole day.
Anyways, the girl sat a lot away from me which relieved me a little. It is 40 minutes flight. Before getting on the plane I was thinking that these 40 minutes will bring me out of a huge dark pit. Now I understand that it has sent me even deeper in it.

***Story to be Continued***

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Happy Reading!