

The Girl's Life
Here we go!

Hummingbird - Name Changed
She's the Girl of her Own Community of Live Life King-Size Thought.

She's Hardly a Girl from Normal and Well Cultured Family Lives, In the Mountain Surfaced Location of North.

Her Studies and Her Wish was Quite Weird to Others; where She Interacts with Everyone to her Limit of Smiles.
She had a Dream of to Do Good to the People around and of Course for her Parents, Too.

The Most Talented Girl to Keep herself Happy in every Situation by Hiding her Struggles and Pain to Challenge the Life and to Bring some Smiles in Her Life.

She's Studying and Soon about To Complete her Graduation and Looking for a Job to Support her Family and To See herself Engaged to Work and To Relax her Life In, A Peaceful Place.

And, She doesn't want To Portray her Weakness to Anyone to Get Sympathetic Feelings to Her in Any Way; As, She wants To Stand on Her Own.


Destiny Transforms Life's Status!
Efforts Sometimes Stays Forever
Happiness Stays Far and Hap Closely
Millions of Talents Lives Unrecognised
Education don't Get Value Everywhere
Dreams Are Buried by Many Everyday
Competition Makes People Live for Self
Like This we, The People are Surviving


It's not About
Middle Class or Lower Class Or Rich
Everything Solely Depends on Destiny"
Some Says, It's All Foolish Thinking.

Efforts Everytime Won't Help
Laziness Sometimes Get Luck

This Is Reality of The Life.

© Gautam K Vasu #EasternMansoon