

The Way to Success.
Hello everyone,Today I am going to tell you the path of success.
So there are four elements within us that is used to live a happy life.Every person who is happy and successful are follwing this path.
So,the four elements are Body, Mind, Emotions, and Energy.If a person combine these elements and uses it wisely on a particular direction of life then he/she get a wonderful results.Does you know what that result is?It is 'satisfaction'.If this satisfaction,satisfies our body then it will be called as healthy or fit body,if it satisfies our mind then it will be called as peace or spiritual mindset.If it satisfies our emotions then it will be called as happy or joyfull.If it satisfies our energy then we will say that,the
work we were doing is our passion,hobby or that is what makes us happy.As you can see that a single word 'satisfaction' is defined in so many ways.There are plenty of names given to it.Does you know who given it these names and who maken this process and maken this four elements?it was humans means 'we'.But today we unfortunately forgotten these things or maybe we already know these things but we don't want to use it in our life just because these things sound spiritual or related to god and today's youth think that god is nothing but just human's imagination.But you will wonder after hearing that these things are true.Unknowingly people are using this method, and are
succesfull in their life.And there is one more element that is used to combine these elements and use it wisely.That is hardwork and smartwork.Here I am using smartwork too because 'hardwork is good only if it works with smartwork or under it,otherwise it is just a step towards failure'.So,from today we have success in our hand.Index finger is for body,middle finger is for mind,ring finger is for emotions,little finger is for energy,thumb is for hardwork and smartwork,and the palm is free space which is for success where we can store our success.
So ladies and gentlemen,instead of depending on things and human beings for your success just combine these four elements of yours with the help of the fifth element and use it wisely on a particular direction of life.

Thank you!

© Anand Dwivedi