

The Affair
Charlene has just got married to her best friend she's known since a young child. when lee goes away on work across the country.
Charlene and Tom, lees best friend started spending time together. Tom has always had a thing for Charlene but never said anything. After Laura Tom's fiancee cheated on him with another women he went off the rails and struggled. His house was mess with take away boxes, bottles of beer and papers everywhere he had not cleaned his house in months. Charlene helped Tom get his house upto scratch. Tom and Charlene felt alone so they both spent a night watching a movie and got so drunk and talked about old times when it was just the three of them, one thing lead to another and they both passionately kissed. later that night they both spent the night together. A month later Charlene found out she was pregnant and knew she couldn't let her secret out so she asked Lee for a divorce. Lee begged Charlene not to do this and said how sorry he was and would never do it ever again it was a one drunken night. what! she said. You know that I slept with another women. I've done the same and I'm pregnant with your best friend's baby. no! not Tom. I'm sorry I was drunk. here's the divorce papers you just need to sign then Charlene leaves and tells Tom she's pregnant and he walks away and does not want to know her or the baby and said she's a mistake. Charlene crys and decides to leave London. Lee finds Charlene at the airport and stops her. infront of everyone he said "we both made big mistakes and will never do that to you ever again, I will look after you and the baby. I cant sign these papers because I love you and don't ever want to let you go. wherever you go I will go, forget the job and the money I just want to be with you.
but I cheated on you.
yeah! and so did I. please give us a chance and forget and move on from our drunken mistakes and forgive one another because our love is more important. I forgive you can you forgive me.
I'm sorry.
me too. and they both hug and kiss one another. then they both fly across the country and start a new life together