

Live it..Love it..Leave it..chapter 9
well...sasha has to accept the truth..it was painful..very very painful..on one end she was facing rejection from someone she thought was her soulmate and at another end was the relentless reality that he was not genuine...she could not even take solace in memories...he was not true and she did not knew it..she trusted him naively..it was hard to bear..
Sasha could not sleep properly..eat properly..all the time her mind was over working..going on and on..her work suffered..she was anxious..still she believed..maybe..maybe..it was all her fault..she must have dealt everything less sternly..she was undergoing torture in her own hands.
It went on for days..sorrow has no sense of time..but she still had her pride intact. silence and endurance were her only weapons..what was the use of talking about it? she never wanted him to know that she still repented for his loss. She carried on with her routine activities.she started jogging..getting up early in the morning..and gearing up for the exercise helped her to think less. she kept a journal to jot down her thoughts..sleeping pills to pass the night..well..the hardest part was he never called her..or texted her..there was deadening silence on his part. All her calls were never answered..her texts were read but he chose not to reply..it looked as though he was punishing her for refusal..five years of friendship and she was angry with him for a very correct reason..and still she called him and texted him..there was total silence on his part..something was wrong somewhere..definitely..atlast her reason started functioning after the temporary stagnation..she was getting to see things clearly..she was behaving like a teenager and it was as though she was coming out of addiction to some drug.
'well..it takes long to kill her spirit..",Sasha smiled to herself..first time in months..
© nandini bose