

The Light
Being in the darkness for so long I guess I didn’t know what the light looked like all I knew was it would be bright probably so bright It hurt my eyes. I knew I wouldn’t be ready when the light came. I spent years in darkness so many years I got used to it I never expected to see the light and at this point of my life seeing the light wasn’t even an option for me I chose to stay in the darkness. One time I thought I seen the light but it was just a false reflection of a broken mirror beaming off a fire farther down. I walked towards what I thought was the light because it looked so beautiful to me but I got cut from the broken glass from the mirror and burned from the fire. I learned my lesson so I stayed in the darkness for more years actually a decade then one day I seen a light it was so bright but it didn’t hurt my eyes the closer it got made it easier for me to see in my darkness that, that light made my darkness easier to deal with but I wasn’t use to the light so I sent the light away so I can stay in the darkness because that’s what I knew to do. But once the light left it made such a difference in darkness that I wanted the light back even though I wasn’t ready. Somehow that light felt so right I was ready to step foot out of the darkness which scared me to the core. But the mind and the heart want what it wants and my heart wanted the light. I felt the light wanting so badly to take me and keep me out of the darkness but I was hesitant. Luckily for me when I looked up the light hadn’t went too far and was just waiting for me to be ready. So in that moment when the light came back to pull me out the darkness. I realized the light was just what I needed to be who I was meant to be. Thank God for the light.
© Porsche Nicole Cobbs