

Chapter28: Nobody's Mistake?
No... She used to call me at night. At first, she kept talking about her husband being not good and all... Then every night after 10 she starts calls... When I ignore her...she will msg me... I told her politely many times..but her desire...
My face was red. Madhu was still on mood swings. Ramya... Almost pinched me and her face looked like it create a big parody.
Sagen continued...
She taught me that I will satisfy her.
So you did. I said in anger. A bit I recalled the night when I called him and his phone was busy the whole night.
Shut up Swath...
It was my roommate...Kastub... is a bit cheesy ...
I told him that I'm irritated by her... He took my mobile and spoke... If she was not comfortable she should have stopped it.
Next day again..called to talk with Kastub... So I gave him her number and closed her chapter that never call me again.

He said and showed her msg to Ramya... I ignored reading it.
Madhu felt to puke.

I was so angry that I walked inside the building without anyone.
I grabbed, a hand of Sofi... Pushed her little towards the wall...
My nails gave her a deep dig in her arm.
What the... She yelled...
I was so furious that I rolled my eyes at others for clearing the place.

What you have done Sofi?
You called him at night... For...
Yes, I did. I don't want your bf... I just wanted to pleasure myself.
You won't understand it because you are not married.
What the...where does marriage come in between?
Yes... If your husband cannot satisfy your pleasure....you too may find...
Just shut up... I felt I'm done with her.
May be she did it precisely for her... But for me... I can't take Sagen as being a satisfier of women!! I felt what I don't know. Uneasy to accept this world.
I was lost in thoughts.
I didn't felt Sagen walking with me silently. I didn't felt my friends are with me.
I didn't felt anything.
I told Sagen... I need time. I want to sleep ... Going home.
He was silent.
Take rest. Madhu said and waved bye.
Ramya... Said ..cool dear...

Sagen... Was silent.
As I reached the station. He held my end part of the dupatta. "Swath... Sorry for hurting you...I did it unintentionally... "
But you hurt me Sagen. Tears ran down.
I took my dupata end from his hand... Sound of train I heard and I was blank.

I kept rolling in bed that night. Tears come... I stop it..weep it... I felt urgent need to see Preeta, or go to a temple...
Why women are like this.... Being married still ask for love....? Is sex satisfaction can make someone so mad...? No ethics no values....?
What if Sagen went emotional and satisfied her.... Is that correct....?
And what about Zoya... a casual relationship... Ufff..... So many questions...
What a relationship is... And men...do they Love women?
I didn't felt to blame anyone. All are correct.... Sagen has his justification... Zoya under her mind, Sofi... I can't blame her even!
If someone has be blamed then it's me... Because I'm in pain... I don't know will I ever able to forget all this.... Will I be anl to trust Sagen. Will I able to take his silence.
My mind asked me more questions...untill sleep wrapped me!
© Saranya Anish Nair