

chapter 1 :PILOT
Everything was good until this accident happened

I cried with all my strength, ‏I ran without looking behind me, ‏in my hand my favorite toy which is almost torn, ‏and in the other hand a knife full of blood, ‏I wore black clothes which resembled the spirit of the dead ‎. ‏And I kept running without looking where I am ‎, ‏and suddenly I saw a very strong white light and here where it all begins.

‏Dear diary, ‏I dont know by how should I start, ‏well I'm Jack ‎, ‏I'm ‎16, ‏I have two sisters, ‏there're both in university and one of them in France  ‎. ‏All is  well for now, ‏my life is almost perfect ‎,my parents loved me and suffered for me even my friends they're always by my side. ‏I thought life was simple and people who write their journey are stupid ‎.

‏until one day ‎,while moving to a new house my eyes landed on a stranger old newspaper ‎,pages full of poems and memories ‎, ‏until i noticed words written in the end of the newspaper with a bad handwriting that include one familiar name, ‏Drens ‎.

‏I couldnt go to my grandmas house we had to head home before dark ‎.On the road after a big nap and a scary nightmare we stopped In front of a giant terrifying house and suddenly dad said,we're home.

‏AND from that moment it all started...


‎كان كل شيء جيدًا حتى حدث هذا الحادث

بكيت بكل قوتي ، ركضت دون أن  انظر خلفي ، في يدي لعبتي المفضلة  الممزقة تقريباً ، ومن ناحية أخرى سكيناً مليئاً بالدم ، ارتديت ملابس سوداء تشبه روح الموتى. وواصلت الركض دون النظر إلى الوراء ، وفجأة رأيت ضوءًا أبيض قويًا جدًا وهنا سيبدأ كل شيء.

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