

A glimpse of death
All my life, I've been told I had beautiful eyes. But no one ever knew what they really hold. I couldn't have possibly told anyone what my eyes can do. I would be sent to a psych ward as fast as I came into the doctors office. I know that I am not crazy.

I already proved it to myself. Yes, I know what you're thinking. Only insane people can't see that they're crazy. That is true. But let me tell you how I know that I'm not one of them.

Well, let me break it down for you. Every time I look into a mirror and look into my eyes; I see the future. Yes, you heard that right. I can see the future.

*She goes in the bathroom and stares into her eyes. A vision occurs. She sees a man, with a backpack. Heading for a building. She hears a bang but she can't make out where*.

I stumble back into reality. Just like that, that's what I was talking about. And they all seem to come true, and somehow I see them before they happen.

*24 hours later*

Ugh, its been a long day. I'm gonna go relax on my recliner and put on some TV. I put on the first thing I saw the workplace. I must've watched three episodes before the PSA alert came on the television. I already know it'd just be a matter of time. RESIDENTS OF 442 Ann St.
Bronx, NY EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. Now this wasn't my city, it wasn't even my state. But somehow, I saw it coming in that vision. Tons of people were injured and a couple died. There's a live counter.
1..3...7....16 it just keeps going up. I can't help but to feel responsible. I could have helped. Ugh, I have to splash water on my face.

*she walks into the bathroom again but to wash her face this time. She splashes water on her face and grabs a towel. She wipes her face and accidentally looked into the mirror. Another vision appeared. She sees herself, at some type of station, maybe a train station. She can't tell. She also sees a woman, with a knife, the woman runs into her and there's a pile of blood but its all blurry. She wakes up out of it*

What the fuck just happened. Was that me. Who was that girl. Who would be after me. Is this my karma for not helping. Where was I at. I have so many questions. I can't die. I'm so young. I got so much to do.

*A week after that vision*

*She completely forgot about that vision*.

My car broke down today. And the bus ran late so I had to take the subway. I just got a wave of déjà vu. I look around my surroundings and get a major headache. My head starts throbbing. Then it occurs to me. That vision. I'm here. This is the station. I go try to go back up the stairs but so many people started going down the stairs. I had no space to get through. I'm stuck down here.

I try to get in the first subway train I saw but the doors closed right before I got on. I turn around to see what other subways are near and that's when I see it. That's her. She's blends right in. It was sensible. I started speed walking away, and put on sun glasses. She must've noticed because I saw her out of my peripheral vision. I start running, and pushing people out the way. She starts to catch us to me and I get out of breath. I take a right, left, another left, and she's still right behind me. I stop at a dead end. She walks up to me, with a knife, and tells me "give me your money". She's a robber, I think? I just gave her a target when I ran. I would've been fine. Shit. I have no money on me I think. "Please ma'am, don't do this. I don't have anything". I pleaded. "Then you'll pay with your life". She yelled.

*the woman stabs her over and over and runs. The victim, crawls trying to get someones attention. No one cares. She bleeds out*.

© MattTheOneAndOnly