

This day of our lives
It was such a great day that we could not resist exploring it.

Within this part of the universe. We were more than willing to move around just for a moment. To clear our minds and enjoy ourselves. Because we have experienced so many challenges. That we just needed some personal time to enable us to live and be grateful for this lovely day.

We managed to visit some of our elders. And the view was amazing. No matter how much we were into ourselves. We found ourselves at peace within their company and companions.

Nevertheless, often times we want to give up. Because we are overwhelmed by our own experiences. However just as we are surviving to take care of responsibilities. We are also putting in the same surviving energies to maintain a healthy balance internally.

So many have pay forward happy smiles. Therefore we also felt that same genuine smile come across our face behind the blinds.

I have not felt too sociable. Yet I did manage to communicate with others. Which has been difficult. Especially during these trying times. Yet, misery does not necessarily have to be here. Unless I choose to focus on it. So I am not. I am going to focus on positive things. For assuming the worst is not an ideal gear that I want to dwell in.

And as I return to my dwelling. I noticed on our local notifications that our current residents are in the process of dealing with a lot of anxiety issues too. And there are many that are not allowing it to dictate their actions. Therefore I am going to follow their example.

Anyway, I have been sitting here catching up on some reading. Checking out some virtual views of some beautiful places and animals. Even had a few laughing moments of some humorous stories about not so humorous incidents. Yet, it was meant to be humorous in a different perspective viewpoint.

Furthermore, we hope that you have enjoyed this wonderful day. And striving to find something to be grateful for just as I did.

Peace out peeps.
© Bazilisk49