

( The Four Gods )
"Poof! Out the fairy came, from down, down, deep in the well," my students were in shock.

"You mean...she just...appeared?" My eyes beamed at her with curiousity. My teacher's lips puckered a bit as if she was trying to replicate a duck.

"Course not." My teacher responded with a sense of courage or sarcasm? Her lips curled into a smile.

"Katnis, make sure to keep your questions, until we get to the end." To many times have we stopped in the middle of this fantastic story, just for her to side comment on every single, thing. Katnis's hazel eyes met mine, and as she got up, her brown curls bounced.

I snatched the book, and held it up. "It's a fake story Miss. Robin!" My piers were unhappy, I couldn't figure out why though.

"Sit down Katnis!" One kid yelled from the back row.

In defeat, I gave the book back. "There's no such thing as happy endings," my eyes scoped down at the floor.

"There is to," I reassured Katnis. Katnis is my only student that is from a foster home.

As I sat back down at my desk, a big earthquake shook the school!

"Everyone get under your desks!" Instead, they all scattered left and right.

I slowly got under my desk, watching everyone's feet dance around me. Some how the teacher managed to get them under their desks. After some time, the shaking stopped. Hesitantly we all got up from the floor. My feet were so tired after being on the floor for twelve minutes.

"That's the longest time of having a earthquake," I whispered.

On my way back from school, this man appeared out of no where. His big cloak hovered over his head, and his face was filled with scariness. I turned back, but it was like, nobody was seeing me, nobody seen this man grab me and hear me scream.

Cold iron bars were held at my wrists, I cried a lot, I didn't get any sleep, he wouldn't let me even if I wanted to have sleep.

"I've been watching you for a while," he said it with a wicked grin, I felt disgusting, and I didn't even know why. "Let me go home!" I pouted and kicked. "No, I don't think so, not in any time will I do so."

I puked all over him, he glared at me before back handing me. "Do it again, and I will certainly do more!" My skin burned as the tool he was using tore my skin open, I let out a shriek. It went on for days, and days, until finally, a knock on the door came. I was on my last breath, laying on the floor, with nothing but a blanket covering me, to hide me.

"This will destroy her majesty, once she figures out that sending the small precious, worthless girl to the foster homes was to keep her safe from me, didn't succeed, she will be at our feet!" The man yelled at the one in a cloak. "I might just keep the girl, and send pictures to her majesty herself, not even bother giving the wench her child," the man in the cloak replied back.

"As long as you didn't do that much damage, we should get our money," the man without a cloak snarled back at the one, with the cloak. I looked behind them, the door, there it is, and entrance out. I waited for them to sleep, my hands trembled on the cold blade beneath my throat. I struggled to get out of the bindings that were tied to my wrist. It took me two and a half hours, until finally the rope loosened. There was some growling of a dog, I stopped moving, and suddenly, it was silent. I grabbed the blade beneath my neck. One yelp from that vicious dog, and that was it. Terrified is how I felt, I hate dogs. That night, I murdered everyone.

Blood drenched all over my hands and feet, I shuddered in the cold as I walked in the deep snow. Howls echoed through the night, they probably smelled the blood. Darkness caved into my head, letting me sleep finally. Smoke was inhaled into my lungs as I woke up. It was aflame, the whole house was burning, and the only warmth on me was coming from the hell whole. I tried standing, but I felt so numb because of the cold.

"Try not to move," this girl surprised me, I went to retrieve the princess after her majesty got some photos, that really angered her, so, I was chosen to kill them...only to find, the little six year old, already got to them. I burned the house before finding her barried in the snow. Her tiring eyes stared back into mine. "Stay still," I commented again. The small girl just snapped, and she hit hard, I was shocked she managed to get up with all her strength.

"Where was help when..." I stopped talking and stared at the fire, my voice was rough.

"Stay still now, I need to bandage you up," her soft voice soothed me. It wasn't until she got me into a car, that's when things went downhill, my eyes were glued to the door, all I could think, was, she's going to kidnap me like those men did. Hesitantly I got inside the car. "I'm taking you home," she whispered in a low tone.

We arrived back at my home, expecting my foster parents, but no, what I found was a huge castle, not to mention a woman standing in the green house. I was brought over to the woman inside, I held my blanket tight around me. "Katnis," now this woman was talking like she knew me, but, I have no idea who she is. "You said you'd bring me home, this ain't home," I scolded the woman next to me.

I went to respond, but her face looked flushed, I just remembered that she was still cold, and when I found her, she was frozen, almost dead, she looks like she's just hanging, and I didn't realize the condition she was in, she wobbling, and her eyes are red, she stood as long as she could, fist was the breathing, "it's hot in here," Katnis whined a little, she tapped her feet in response. Her mother reacted fast, I didn't see it coming, Katnis fell over, hitting her head on the stone floor.

"Where did all this blood on her come from?" I questioned May, my guard.

"Your majesty, when I got there, everyone was already dead, I burned the place then found her barried half way in the snow," I said with a hateful tone, "she is sick, really sick," my queen stared at me and she nodded in agreement. With that, my queen picked her up.

Cold to the touch is how she felt, I was frightened. My husband was shocked to see a small little child, in my arms. Once put to bed, I made sure the family doctor stayed by her side, to keep her fever from growing. I decided to lay with her for a while, until she warmed up. Her feet were frozen, the only problem now, was her mental state.

It took a while to get Katnis back, although, the only thing that didn't change, was her fear of men, and dogs, or dark rooms, and not to mention the feeling of being trapped. "Katnis," I whispered. She came back into are room, she only trust me and her father, but that's about it, she won't speak a single word though. "Darling it's okay to be alone in your room, trust me, me and your dad need grown up time."

Continued to stare at me, is what she did. She understood though, she shook a bit with frantic fear, as she stared at us. We didn't have our clothes on, thus, we didn't even know she came in. "I'll..." Before I could say anymore she backed out of the room.

I sat down in the corner of the big empty room. Just to quiet, I feel so empty. The echoes of creaks in the rooms, the unsettling wind blowing outside making the trees scrape against the windows. I pulled at my curls a little.

I finally met my little sister, I found her not in her bed, she was cuddled up on her floor. "Hey," I tapped her shoulder. Katnis met my eyes, she just stared at me.

We searched every where for the two girls, we found them in the green house, Hailey was showing Katnis my flowers, Katnis didn't pay attention though, she was focused on a weed, a little dandelion. She picked it out, and held it in her palm of her hand.

I love these flowers, I looked out the door, and started going to it, except I was stopped, Hailey grabbed me so fast.

"No, we don't go outside this way Katnis, it's cold, don't need to get anymore sick than you already are," her pale complexion was enough to say she was on a verge of death. Looking down in shame is what she did, her hand touched mine, and she placed the small flower in my palm.

"What do you want me to do with a weed!?" She yelled a little. Slowly I picked it back up, and hugged onto it. "Apologize!" Hailey snapped.

"Enough!" Both of us looked over to see that woman again standing there, I opened my hand, and slowly went to her, she wasn't smiling at first, until I hesitantly held the flower up to her. Her long hair filled with curls danced right on down as she took the flower from me. "Thank you," she responded with love.

A smile formed on Katnis's face, it was cute, although she started getting sick all over my slippers. "Alrighty, back to bed we go," I whispered under my breath. Katnis shuffled her feet, not even trying to walk. Once back into bed, she fell asleep instantly. Worried was how I felt.

Slowly I walked down the hallway, with that woman that put me to bed. "Do you know who I am?" Asked the woman a little nervous, and I didn't say anything back but I did give her a look to let her know I had no idea.

"I'm your mother," I whispered. Katnis stopped walking with me. "My mommy died in a fire, don't lie to me to make me feel bad," cried Katnis, her sweet voice was needy. "I'm not lying Katnis," her face scrunched up with hate in her eyes. Instead of walking again with me, she tossed a dandelion at my face. She ran away from me, the entire day, and she locked the door to her room a lot of times, "Katnis! Open this door right now!"

I didn't do it, I sat next to the window and watched the snow softly coat the trees again. My door creeked open letting the light into the room. I didn't look over.

"Please," mommy pleaded for me to look at her, but when I did, I hit her, I expressed my anger, my small hands so weak and frail, I only hit her legs, "big people! I hate you!" She grasped my arms to stop me from hurting myself, because I knew I wasn't doing anything but weeping.

Her sobbing went through the room as she repeated under her breath that she really hates me. My husband came in, and got her back into bed, she ignored me still though, and only let her father give her medicine, plus food.

Things were running wild in my mind, I hugged myself, and scraped at my skin, "I hate myself," I kept scratching at my skin with cuts and it started bleeding a lot. Smack! My hand was hit so fast, I didn't expect it, I wouldn't let them touch me again, I hid under the bed.

"This is what they wanted Jasmine," I placed my hand on my wife's shoulder, and she let out a small cry. "Why Katnis? Why couldn't they take me? Instead they tormented and raped her, I can't do this Jason, she won't let me try," my wife wept as she mumbled out everything. Katnis got more sick, the cold outside was growing, and that's the only way Jasmine bonded with Katnis, because, Katnis was sick and couldn't move out of bed and if she did she'd fall.

I smiled as I got up out of bed, down the hallway and into Katnis's room, Hailey wanted to come with, her little sister is very interesting to her, even after their fight she finds her interesting. Katnis was sleeping when I came into her room, she was sucking her thumb, I wonder if that was a habit. Hailey laughed at her a little, but I didn't think it was funny. Her eyes fluttered open as I placed the rag on her forehead, she freaked out and panicked, only to realize it was just me now because I kicked her older sister out of the room.

"Do you always suck your thumb?" Mommy asked with a smile. "You don't need to answer I suppose."

Katnis took her hand grabbed a little curl slipping off my shoulder, she twirled it, then sadly stared at me, "why did they be so mean? Why do I have cuts and bruises? Why couldn't I just die in that place?" Her voice was filled with roughness, as if she was screaming a lot.

"If you cannot answer me, then I have no reason to talk," My voice shook. "Where, were you my entire sad life? Why be here right now, when I'm almost dead?"

"They were bad people, and I promise Katnis, I'll keep you safe," I kissed her forehead as I whispered. "Mommy...will you lay next to me? It's cold in here," Katnis shivered out a bit, so, of course I did. Her eyes were so grey with exhaustion, and sadness, I just didn't understand what I needed to do. She rest her eyes as she felt me wrap my arms around her. "I am sorry," I whispered. "Don't apologize," Katnis whispered back. .

For a while she layed with me, but I fell asleep tucked into her arms. Forgive, is what I did. I woke up with nobody around me, just an empty room, the door creeked, and slowly opened. Staring at the door, a bright light came through, and so, I went to it.

Katnis didn't wake up, she wasn't breathing anymore, I panicked.

Nine years later -

"Jasmine," my wife sat emotionally on her throne as people just kept walking up. The party was to celebrate Katnis's birth, for she was never shared with everyone. "It's a waist of time Jason...these people are only here for the damn food," Jasmine scowled.

I smiled as I walked into the room, my black dress tight to my body, today wasn't only the celebration of me, it was also about my older sister, getting married to a man. Looking around through my mask was rather, irritating, today I was to make my sister happy. I met some god type person, and I decided to take a chance and become a goddess, so, here I am, walking again.

My eyes looked across the room, the only black dress being worn, I was interested. "Jason, who is that? I don't recall inviting anyone..." She started dancing with the prince, Hailey just stared in shock.

He offered a dance, the tall stranger blushed and looked down at my boobs, which I found very weird, "my face is up here," I commented. "Yes, how about I take you outside and to the garden?" Is he for real? I smiled though.

"I think I'm done dancing," I whispered as his hand slipped into my dress. Once away from him, everyone stared at me, and they split right away, making a perfect path to my parents, I slowly came up to them.

"You look awfully young," my father smiled, as he commented that. "Thank you," I whispered, my mother was staring at me the entire time. "Do you sing?" Once more my father asked. "Never in my entire life, or, what's left of it."

"Why do you wear black, on such a fine day?" My mother asked next. "Today, is, a very special day, that's why," I responded with a little irritation. "A party, should be forgotten, and a memorable visit to a grave stone in the garden, should always be visited," I slowly opened my purse and pulled a black rose out, I handed it to her, "here, a mark for my own grave stone."

"Why do you give this to me? Why do you say, for your own gravestone, you do not grieve as much as I do," she retorted back. "I was in the foster system, I had no parents," our eyes met, "now, I am here, to serve you, the four gods have sent me, if I can't forfill, my duty, then I cannot return back to being human," I smiled a bit.

"What, do you mean?" Hailey whispered from behind me. "Darling, I'm here, too give you love," I turned and looked at her, "I'm the goddess of lust, and by the gods...I am forced to serve you as punishment," I blushed a little, "for being a little to flirty," I quoted what I said. "So...you..." She slowly zipped her dress down, showing her back, glowing tattoos, red and pink, of the bird or romance. I zipped my dress back up with my magic, except, I had glitter now falling all over the floor. "Oh sorry about the mess."

"You...are..." her dress changed so fast like a blink of an eye, she was now wearing pajamas. "So, where am I slumbering?" Their eyes were wide with utterly shock. I had a room by the end of the night, but I couldn't sleep, so I went to the green house, and sat down next to the dead plants, "poor things," I whispered, I held a teddy bear close to my chest. Slowly I picked a weed, there were so many dandelions, I smiled though, and slowly I touched the dirt, making more flowers grow. "There we are, beautiful just like before," I made sure I was always whispering.

Slowly I breathed in, I died to suddenly the gods said they didn't expect it, but greeted me with welcoming arms, and I was to do a test, to determine if I was good enough to return back to my six year old self, back to when everything was new to me, back when I called my mother, mommy for the first time. I held a dandelion in my hand, "I remember," I started humming a little, to the tunes in my head, then my voice opened up into the warmth of the room.

No, I didn't notice my mother herself on the other side of me, off over planting a small flower. My singing was soft, and emotional, it makes people cry. When I got up, with my teddy bear, I noticed her, she had tears on her face, the problem was, I was thinking about all my pain I've suffered through before now, and whatever emotions I felt when I was singing, made her feel extreme pain. "I don't understand, what exactly are you?" She whispered this time. "A lust goddess," I sighed. "I cannot have sex, with a human, but it's rather tempting, the four gods sent me to help your daughter...in... return, I get to return back to my original self."

"Who was your original self?" Questioned my mother. "I can't tell you, if you were to find out who I am, then I wouldn't be able to return back," I patted the dirt around a dandelion. "You said, you were in a foster home...what is it like?" Once more another question. "It was fine I suppose," I leaned down patted it once more. "My foster mom told me the world works in mysterious ways, I didn't think about it until now."

Her voice was clear, I stared at the mysterious woman, "you look like your in pain," she bit her lip. "I'm not," she stared towards the door. "You daughter, is having sex with a woman," after she said that, I was out of that room so fast.

Well this is going to be interesting. I watched as mother caught them kissing and naked, I mean, she was a little horrified.

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