

The Scars Of Evil
The Scars Of Evil
From the oldest origins of humanity,Good & evil have played a vital part in the psychology of humanity,Zoroasterinism gave the balance of good & evil,as a core belief of their theology.So lets look at the evil,& the aftermath (scars) that have both blighted & at times changes the path of the human race..
Early Days
Evil as a concept goes back into antiquity,& depending on the country,each had their own folklore surrounding it. The first example here being Alexander The Great,a hero in western eyes,yet an evil entity, in Persia,portrayed with horns,even today,mothers will tell their children in modern Iran "If you don't sleep,Alexander will come!" A bogyman! From those early times and before,evil played its prominant part. Both from some races,& individuals,Their particular way of waging war,broke codes of early ethics, & came to be defined as evil.. Attilla The Hun Called the "Scourge Of God" by early dark age Christians,Attila is unique in that he defined a whole epoch of history,"The Dark Ages" Bringing his tribes, who probably originated in central asia, long before his birth,to the plains of Magyar- Hungray (Again called after the Huns) Attila laid waste to most of western europe & Christian civilisation during his time period,Yet for all the propaganda,Attilla was a shrewd negotiator who expanded his empire as much by that reason,as by force..The aftermath of his bloodsoaked reign,left Europe as a much changes dispora of peoples,and indirectly created the base origins of nationhood in those areas
Ghengis Kahn
The mongols destroyed anything in their path,committed genicide in a vast scake & struck terror into their foes,When the Great Kahn died,the huge empire WASHABLE carved up into 4 seperate empire,as again and aftermath brought with it ,huge cultural & national changes in the formerly subjugated lands,Russia became a little more "Asiatic" in both her thinking & culture,adopting both Mingol place names,& some of the military tactics of their former overlords,The Cossacks in particular,owe much of their prowess,on horseback,plus some aspects of both their character to Mongolian influence..A strange footnote,the Mongolians spread,so far & wide,that it left Mongolua proper,almost totally depopulated,another adverse effect of conquest.
The Crusades
If anything had a huge effect both positive and adverse effect, Then the "Crusades" would have to.take a special bow,in relation to misunderstanding,ill- conceived plans,Bravery,Chivalry, & ill- informed hearsay..Yet the aftermath did bring some real benefits,in medicine,innovation,and the sciences,learned from the culture of the middle east,Knights,& followers brought these new "ways" which in turn advanced western know how considerably.The downside being,its left a level of distrust,that has lasted to this day.. The Ottoman expansion into europe At the "Zenith" if her power, the Ottoman Empire streched from Atlantic North Africa,to the Indian Ocean,right up to the gates of Vienna,bringing both cultural & religous aspects to the Balkan countries,that last to this day,particularly in Bosnia & Albania..These aftermaths sowed both rasial & religous tension, which in still prevelant yet.500 years of Ottoman rule embedded probably forever the ethnic makeup of the whole region.
America & Native Americans
One can only feel great sympathy for the plight of Native Americana in the 18th to 19th Century,Broken promises pure lies,nations wiped out forever,But with it an unpalatabe hateful truth,Native Americana were hunters , roaming the plains,in harmony with nature.But beneath their feet,were resources that all others wanted to exploit,either for farming,mining,or any number of reasons..It was white European settlers mainly who took the land,but if it were not those,it would have been somebody else,& native Americana didnt have the military capability to defend against them,The Spanish,were encroaching from the south,French from Canada,Russians from Alaska,down as far as Washington State,all of the above just wanted one thind RICHES! & were prepared to destroy anything & anyone to yet them! The "Scars" being the wholesale destruction of an ancient way of life,and culture,the dreaded rise of the barren "reservation" trying to "instill" so called "civilised" ways, on a whole culture whose whole values system was fundamentally diffetent & totally at odds with European "ethos" a recipe for disaster..
World war 1 changed "Empires" from within these "Empire as" new nations emerged again the turmoil of war brought the "Scars Of Evil in many ways,Hunger financial collapse,& the "Flower of a Generation" lost..the turmoil.lead directly as ang aftermath,to the rise of fascism,& WW2,which brought ang appalling aftermath mass murder,wars of extermination against Russia,resisted with terrible desperation the "Scars" lasted..Holocaust survivors families continents,changes forever..War & Evil are abominable in themselves..The "Scars"they leave are an enduring legacy of sorrow..