

About my fantasy world
I'm a lover of stories that are fictional and including mythical creatures like werewolves ...vampires...and demons.
I've been never into this since my highschool periods.Then after that my friend told me about an app which is none otherthan wattpad .She told me there's a lot of content that I might like since i've been in a fantasy world and loved thriller movies.She was a kind of reading stories of all kinds especially fanfictions and also loved vampires and demons.Later I had become curios about it .She had been telling about those while we were cycling and whenever we meet.That was enough for me to jump into an extra fantasy world which was much different from what i've gone through till that time.It was amazing and magical too.That was the first time I read a werewolf+vampire story .I'm not gonna tell the name.that one ..which contained more than 50 chapters were so wonderful.And the author of that story became my fav one.she is still continuing in it and in writco too.I loved her creations which I could never reach even if I try.I'm still in that world that is more imaginable and ful of mystery.Pictures influenced me a lot .More than that in real life .I loved fantasy pics.Especially were wolves.Then after that i've tried to create own my own.But never did anything completely.I really loved how wolves shifted to human form and that was the big difficulty I've faced while creating any.Then I've never tried once after that .But I'm on it ...still trying to do one.But the stories in my mind never even reach in those hights of those imaginary creative photos of mythical creatures.
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