

How To Create Better Content In Less Time and Grow Your Personal Brand
Imagine this scenario: You are a budding professional who wants to build a strong online presence. You start with great enthusiasm, posting frequently across various social media platforms. However, as your work demands increase, you find yourself scrambling to create content at the last minute. The quality of your posts starts to suffer, you miss optimal posting times, and your audience engagement drops. Frustration sets in, and you regret not having a better system in place.

Maintaining personal brand credibility across social media is a challenging endeavor. The constant pressure to create engaging content, post consistently, and respond to your audience can lead to burnout and stress.

By the end of this article, you'll discover how planning content/posts with a content calendar and scheduling them across social media can increase the credibility of your personal brand while reducing the time and eliminating the stress involved in daily content creation.

What is a Content Calendar?
A content calendar is a strategic tool that outlines your content creation and posting schedule over a specific period, typically a month. It helps you plan, organize, and track your content, ensuring that you consistently deliver high-quality posts that align with your brand message and goals.

Here's what a content calendar typically includes:

1. Date & Time: When the content will be posted

2. Main Content & Content Type: Your message and the format it will take, such as video, infographic, image, or text

3. Content Caption: A short and compelling description that highlights your main message and value in each content

4. Content's Intent: the goal you aim to achieve with each post, keeping your audience in mind. Is it to inform, educate, entertain, inspire, engage, receive feedback, promote or sell an offer

5. Platform/Place: Where you will share each post.

To design a 1-month content calendar, you can use a simple table format in Google Docs or Microsoft Word with 5 columns with the headers above.

Note: A 1-month content calendar doesn't mean that you must have a post everyday in the month. You can post 3 times a week or as frequently as you want. The idea is to be consistent in sharing valuable content to your audience.

What Are Scheduled Social Media Posts?
Scheduled posts are pre-planned content which you set to be automatically published at specific times across your social media platforms. Most social media platforms have an inbuilt feature that allows you to schedule a post to be shared at a future time and date.

Also, tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, and Sprout Social allow you to batch your content creation efforts and schedule posts in advance. This approach ensures that your content reaches your audience at the optimal times, even when you're busy with other tasks.

Benefits of Using a Content Calendar and Scheduling Posts
1. Consistency: Regular posting builds trust and keeps your audience engaged.

2. Time Management: Planning and scheduling posts in advance frees up time for other important tasks.

3. Stress Reduction: Reduces the pressure of daily content creation, allowing for more thoughtful and high-quality posts.

4. Enhanced Strategy: Enables you to align your content with your marketing goals and audience needs.

5. Increased Engagement: Posting at optimal times increases visibility and interaction with your content.

💡 Extra Tip: Creating content with the goal of helping your target audience is crucial for building trust and credibility. When your audience finds your content valuable, they are more likely to engage with it, share it, view you as an authority in your field and do business with you. Your content should aim to:

🎯 Inform/Educate: Provide useful information or insights that help your audience solve problems or gain new knowledge.

🎯 Entertain: Engage your audience with enjoyable and relatable content that resonates with their interests and emotions.

🎯 Inspire: Motivate and encourage your audience to take action or adopt new perspectives.

By incorporating a content calendar and scheduling your posts, you can maintain a consistent and credible presence on social media. Start by devoting a special day each week or month towards planning your content with your audience's needs in mind, and use tools to automate your posting schedule. This approach not only strengthens your personal brand credibility, but also allows you to focus on delivering value to your audience and free up time for other activities.

Have you used a content calendar or scheduled posts before? Share your experiences in the comments section below, and feel free to repost this article to help others struggling to maintain a credible brand through consistent content distribution.

© elileojo