

What's in my control
Sometimes things aren't in control and so as suitations.In these cases, generally we tend to panic and become sad and we start to worry. Instead we can stay calm and do what's in our control. We can stop reacting to baseless matters.
If we can do it then why to worry and then if we cannot do it then why to worry.
All things can't be mastered by one. We are unique in a way to master a skill and in that we acquire a grip so that it becomes piece of cake.
Never be guilty for what others did. Have a clarity of what is your mistake and what is not yours. Whenever it's your mistake then apologize and when it is not yours then compel others to do so.
You are a diamond and foolish too to give others a chance to examine you.
Stress and frustration are devastating our mental health and you are taking it because of others.
Before doing so, give a thought Is it worth it ?
