

Barren things and the old, dire tales and the eldritch, unmerited daemons of the cold things, all were there before - but if they were not, they would have been the same, since they are only transcripts; transcripts in which the coldness of each dying ember of death could not breath could not bring - thus being that of only pure superstition. This is what I thought before, yet, after constant discovery in the relief of these so-called, Hthoarm, or, the Unhidden Ones, I could not at all see my thoughts as to be untrue.

They are only daemons; they are only old imps of such hole of hell. Only that, yet such man hath claimed no such thing in this.At first did I see them as unbidden alien culture on Earth, but that was only pure speculation.

"Wut' wud be good"said my great-uncle, of Leincomtober, "is ef dey' let us go aout' an' at least go on a hike...". We were both campers, with my father too, walking thus into such things we did not intend to. A large scientific land in which was cut off from society in that which if you come inside, you could not exit the land, since you would be contaminated with some sort of "minor bio-leak", which, according to one of the workers,
"Could lead to the origin of another epidemic...".

"Ain't good to jus' keep us in 'ere...", "Uncle, there ain't any oth'r way. We may have been infected or contaminated or whatever...".

"Well, I gonna go fer' a hike, jus'a small tread saouth' of the site...". He walked out of the trailer, grunting and panting.

Soon did only five minutes pass by, and the ancient of that waxing gibbous moon appeared from the unbroken blue of the sky. The stars were there, now.

I decided to bring a pack of water and food with me, and walk out to find my great-uncle. Walking out, I needed sneak out from the site, since I found footsteps going north of the exit of the site. I knew not where I was going now, since my torch has burnt out, and it was now as dark as Hell itself. Then soon enough, I heard the whispers of ancient voices; voices that were not a voice which came from south of my side.

Collapsed on the vast unbroken blue of water was I, as I fell down into a large hell-hole, only surviving since the water was not to long away. From there, I noticed some strange light, coming from inside the pool.

Then, three wet, one-eyed, tentacled creatures came out, and floated upon me. They were about six feet tall, and were of greenish, blackish, yellowish skin, and slim and slender legs and arms.

"Who is this mortal?"

"My name is Arthur, Arthur Jamieson!"

"How is this possible? Mortals like you should not exist anymore, we let them die aeons ago..."


"You don't know? Aeons ago, when we created the humans, we saw them as monsters, and let them die on Earth. But, when we sent them on their way to Earth in an asteroid, us three fell down with them, and found our way here...so we killed the last of 'em for food, and hibernated here..."


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