

Choosing to be Happier❤
This Year I'm Choosing To Be Happier,
This time last year, I didn't know who I would be this year. I didn't know what or how things would turn out. Last year, I let go of a lot of things. I can't say stable, but I'm no longer hanging at the edge of a cliff. All I can say is that I'm happier,I'm now happy where I stand. Everyone around me is happier and I couldn't ask for anything more. I'm sorry if you had to leave people or things behind, but if they no longer help you grow into the person you should be, then you are making the right choice. Eventually I started to feel like I take up too much space, Maybe it's my emotions, which are oftentimes too big, or my voice, which seems to echo off the walls of every room I enter, I bumped into people and knocked into side tables, totally unaware of where I stood in relation to the rest of the world. It was a long journey to embrace myself again, filled with insecurities and doubts and a lot of self-hatred. It took a long time to stop caring about what everyone around me thought, because for the longest time that was the only thing that mattered to me. There are a lot of people who I don't talk to anymore, Of course it is hard, and of course it was sad, but mostly it was freeing, I have never felt so fully alive. There are people in the world who will love feeling enveloped by who you are. If there's one thing we all need to stop doing, it's waiting around for someone else to show up and change our lives. Just be the person you've been waiting for. There are so many tomorrows in this world. So many sunrises, and so many new beginnings. Everything is in constant flux, including you. They shake your world and stir up your tears. The hard times phase in and out like the moon. So hold on tight and wait for the tides to change. They always do.I want you to know that it, it weren't for the days you've been a total wreck, a disaster or a complete moron, you'd have gone down with that first ship long ago. Being strong doesn't mean you have to be cold or heartless. You could have the biggest heart in the world and you could be falling down every day but you know that you'll never break. Being strong is knowing that you'll have moments of weakness and fear but it won't stop you from going on.
I hope this year will be the year that will force me to find my truth, to stand on my own, to watch everything I feared unfold before my eyes, to make all the difficult decisions I was running away from and still survive, still hope and still dream of better and bigger things🧸🔆
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