

Jeremy wakes up in the middle of the night sweating, it's 3:00 am. He had a dream that he fell off of his roof doing construction work. He tries to make a run to the bathroom needing to urinate badly. As soon as he exits into his hallway he looks straight into his living room and he thinks he visualizes a tall shadowy figure in the corner of the living room. Jeremy blink's and the figure goes away. He runs back into his room slamming his door and locking it in fear. He immediately grabs a empty coke bottle and urinates in it, still seeing the image of the shadowy figure in his head and questions himself, "what was that?". He puts the top back on the bottle and puts it on the shelf in front of him and as he turns around, a evil replica of Jeremy with all white eyes and a evil grin stands in front of Jeremy. Jeremy backs up and falls yelling "what are you!" "why are you in my house!" "how did you get in here!". His evil replica replies "You".