

Blink And Gone. Chapter 1
Chapter 1
She Smiled

(I was never normal)

The rain lightly came down on the roof of the very large house as Jason looked at his hand
as his little sister's head laying in his lap. "Why her?" Jason asked himself. "Jason, is there something wrong?" Eric asked looking down at his sister and ran his hand through his white hair. "Did it happen again, it seems like it's happening more frequently." Eric said filling for a pulse. "It's worse then lasted time." Jason said as a tier happened to slip past his closed eyes. "What do you mean, tell me what happened." Eric said take his sister and walking upstairs to a bed room and lade her down on the bed. "Well it was last night she was awake and for the first time in a month she smiled that me, then her hair slowly began to change color… it was red... it wasn't the same shade of red throughout her hair, her eye aren't the same." Jason said looking down at his sister then going on. "They are a pell white color all the color that was in her eye were gone." Jason said setting on the bed. "Ok I think I have something to make her more comfortable." Eric said looking at him as he grabbing a small jar with blue liquid inside. "Can I?" Eric asked him as Jason knotted his head. "You are the only one I trust to take care of my sister." Jason said as Eric smiles. "Thank you I'll do my best. You should get some rest." Eric said as his sister spoke. "Brother." She said in a weak but understandable voice. "Yes I'm here." Jason said gabbing her hand that was shaking. "I didn't mean to make you worry about me." She said with a smile. "Oh on you didn't, your going to be fine." Jason said as his sister got a confused look on her face. "Wait who are you?" She asked as Jason's eye widened. Jason took a step beck and looked at Eric who had an confused look on his face. "It's me sis your big brother." Jason said resuming his spot next to her. "I… I don't kn… know…" she said before pasting out. "Eric, what is this?" Jason asked looking into his eyes. "I don't know boy I don't know." Eric said giving her the blue liquid. "Ok theres nothing more we can do until tomorrow morning so lets rest up for tomorrow." Eric said putting his hand on Jason's shoulder then turning off the lights. "I well find a way to help you." Jason said before turning around to set in the chair in the corner of the bed room. "Goodnight Airamay sweet dreams." Jason said before closing his eye for the night.