

By the end of the time ES 02
Good noon Sir! Said sharum in a pitch formal accent. After the formal greeting they started talking about the
deal. During the lunch the Chinese man coughed and sharum thought of baba’s word and then immediately
laughed at himself for his stupidity. Before that they had finalized the deal and now sharum was asking him why
he was in the country like Iran he could have found a lot better job in his own country. But exactly at that time
the Chinese man received the call and left the table excusing. The day ended with sharum s deal getting finalized.
He was more than happy and he called Osama and said that we should celebrate it Osama gave him the idea of
going to Zandiyeh hotel. He backed his suggestion by saying that we have been to shiraz and that s sort of
disrespectful not to visit such a place.
Baba I will be late. Don’t worry. Declining the call Osama said you should thank God that your baba didn’t forced
you to wear a mask. They both laughed heartily something they had not done for a while due to the deal. While
they were having the best dinner of their lives Sharum saw the same Chinese with whom he had finalized the deal
talking on a phone. He was not able to hear the voice from table but he could definitely see his expressions which
showed that he was dead upset. Sharum told Osama to look at him. Sharum said come on we should say hi to
him and ask him about what is bothering him because it is him that made us celebrate our deal today. Osama even
though did not wanted to go but agreed because he didn’t want to say no to his friend. Both of them appeared at
the table of that Chinese man named chaun lee and after the formal greeting in an informal environment they
came the point of him being worried he said that his wife s health is not good for a while and this is just making
him upset. Sharum and Osama decided to include their neighbour country acquaintance to be a member of their
small boy gang for the night. They did a lot of fun there. Osama noticed that chaun lee was coughing and had a
fever too.
While sitting in the car he mentioned these things to Sharum but he started laughing and said you have now
started thinking like my baba. Come on I cannot listen to two sessions per day. And then they drove in complete
You didn’t tell me that you hang out with the Chinese man for the whole damn night. Come on sharum you are
being careless and I am not giving you even a second anymore to hang out there. I got the tickets and we are
living tomorrow! Please baba stop acting like a child … what happened to me hannn? Did I died ? am I the hospital ?baba stop this nonsense. I am really fed up of all this shit. You want us to return tomorrow I will pack
the bags. After that whole speech he left the room as if he would find someone outside, he will break his head.