

i. case.no 201275- Victim's POV
i'm a 17 years old blind girl
i learn Braille from a math teacher
from the neighborhood.
i want to pursue higher education
to prove that blind are not ceased
from achieving heights
but my fate has turned it's table
this is the first time
climbing the steps
of a court
i was assaulted by a man.

it was 17th of this month.
i was alone at my house
parents went to attend a wedding
of my father's colleague.
i woke up late that day.

i went to bath around 11 a.m.
came out of the room
after the shower
and sensed the presence of someone
i know.
i called out but there was no response
chills ran down my spine
and started walking towards my wardrobe.
a hand patted my head
i flinched and turned back
warning to stay away.
my bathrobe was pulled away
and i was pushed onto my bed...
i can't recall anything but pain
the death warning he gave
and the terror i went through.

i was lying there
like a dead.
tucked in the bedsheets
crying my eyes out
and gasping for some air to breath.

my parents arrived.
my mom was devastated to see me
crying for help and my condition.

a police case was registered
by my parents.
all were unknown, about who the culprit was
except me
who knew the fact but... in silence.

[outside the court hall]

i feel my legs heavy
and head dizzy
my world is always dark
but people out in the world
have darker sides.

should I tell
about the truth i know?
should i remain silent just because i was warned to?
the decision to get the justice is in my hands
but will the world believe in the words
of a blind?

© Rajvik